لتصلك آخر وظائفنا وأخبارنا.

Creative Associates International
التجارة الدولية
المسمى الوظيفي
Senior Procurement Manager
رام الله والبيرة
Part-time Vetting Assistant
رام الله والبيرة
Project Coordinator
قطاع غزة
Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Specialist
قطاع غزة
Deputy Chief of Party - Technical
رام الله والبيرة
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Component Lead
رام الله والبيرة
Gaza Procurement Officer
قطاع غزة
Finance Officer Re-advertised
رام الله والبيرة
Early Childhood Education Officer
رام الله والبيرة
Grants Coordinator
قطاع غزة
Chief of Party - USAID/WBG Basic Education Activity
رام الله والبيرة
Teaching and Learning Advisor – Primary Education
رام الله والبيرة
Finance Officer
رام الله والبيرة
Procurement Specialist
رام الله والبيرة
Finance Manager
رام الله والبيرة
Gaza Procurement Officer
قطاع غزة
Primary Education Officer
رام الله والبيرة
Finance Director
رام الله والبيرة
Logistician and Operations Consultant (Gaza)
قطاع غزة
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Component Lead
رام الله والبيرة