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Mercy Corps - مؤسسة ميرسي كور
Humanitarian Aid/Development sector
Job Title
Call for Pre-Qualification Tender for Mattresses & Blankets
Gaza Strip
Call for Pre-Qualification Tenders for supplying Gas Cylinde
Gaza Strip
Call for Tender for Schools Uniform
Gaza Strip
Call for Tender for Schools Bags with Stationery
Gaza Strip
Call for Tender for Transportation Services
Gaza Strip
برامج تدريبية قصيرة مجانية لخريجين الجدد
Gaza Strip
Training Consultancy for (Gaza Strip) Twelve Short Technical
Gaza Strip
Provision of Training Construction Foremen
Gaza Strip
تدريب في مجال تطوير تطبيقات الموبايل
Gaza Strip
Refreshment-Meals & Cold Drinks Tender
Gaza Strip
Training provider for Full-Length ICT Technical Courses
Gaza Strip
ICT Diffusion Consultancy
Gaza Strip
تدريب لتهيئة الخريجين الجدد لسوق العمل
Gaza Strip
Pre-qualification tenders: Fishing Nets -Refreshments -Food
Gaza Strip
Pre-qualification Tender for Office Furniture and Hall Ren
Gaza Strip
Preferred Supplier Tender Advertisement
Gaza Strip
تدريب مدربين في مجال "Software Testing"
Gaza Strip
Training Consultancy for Three Short Technical Course on Des
Gaza Strip
ميرسي كور:برامج تدريبية قصيرة مجانية
Gaza Strip
برنامج تيم ستارت لريادة الأعمال
Gaza Strip