4 Conservation Architects/Planners and 1 Archaeologist

Job Description
Job ID/Title :4 Conservation Architects/Planners
                      1 Archaeologist
Duty Station :Sebastiya – Nablus Governorate
Starting Date:20 September 2010
Duration of Initial Contract :10 months

UNESCO, UNDP, UNIFEM, and FAO are implementing a Joint Programme (JP) on Culture and
Development in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministries
of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, Agriculture, and Women’s Affairs. The JP aims at establishing
policies and practices for safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage and utilizing the potential of cultural heritage and creative industries for inclusive economic growth and social cohesion.
Within the framework of the Joint Programme, UNESCO and the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and
Antiquities are initiating a joint effort with FAO and the Palestinian Ministries of Agriculture and of
Local Government aiming at reinforcing the capacities of the Palestinian institutions in conservation
and management planning through the elaboration of an “Integrated Conservation and Management Plan” for Sebastiya. The plan, which will define the measures for the safeguarding of the area and its associated values, includes three main components: a) Urban Conservation Planning, b) Landscape Conservation Planning, and c) Architectural/Archaeological Conservation Planning.
Four architects/planners and one archaeologist are to be recruited to form the Local Working Team
that will work under the direct supervision of the Team of Experts to develop the integrated plan; more specifically, the incumbents shall work jointly with the other members of the Local Working Team to:
-Contribute to the development of a comprehensive documentation on Sebastiya through: a)
gathering all available information (e.g. maps, aerial photographs, plans, inventories, etc.), b)
field surveying, c) data analysis, and d) elaboration of a set of geo-referenced thematic maps (e.g.
geomorphology, land use, human settlements and infrastructure, vulnerability, etc);
-Support the Team of Experts in the drafting of the “Guidelines for Integrated Conservation and
Management of Sebastiya” as well as relevant thematic maps.

Professional skills and qualifications:
-Proven ability in field surveying, and data entry, in at least one of the following domains:
archaeology, conservation planning for historic buildings and towns or cultural landscapes,
-Proven ability in geo-referenced mapping, preferably associated to knowledge in Geographic
Information Systems (GIS),
-High level of analytical, management and communications skills,
-Willingness to learn and acquire new skills in conservation planning,
-Proven ability of teamwork, particularly in a multi-cultural and multi-stakeholder setting, from
national government to grass-root levels,
-Demonstrated strong oral and written communication skills in Arabic and English,
-Knowledge of the Palestinian cultural heritage is an asset.

Education and Experience:
University degree in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Archaeology. Minimum of 2 years of relevant professional experience.
Interested candidates meeting the requirements can send their CV with a cover letter expressing their interest to the UNESCO Ramallah Office by e-mail: [email protected] or by fax: 02 2959741 no later than 3 September 2010. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title 4 Conservation Architects/Planners and 1 Archaeologist
Deadline 03 - Sep - 2010
Location Nablus
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Engineering
Application Instructions
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