A data entry and Administrative Assistant

Job Description
ARAB AMERICAN UNIVERSITY                                   الجامعة العربية الامريكية
Accredited by the Ministry of Education  معتمدة من وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي
and Higher Education
Member of Association of Arab Universities        عضو اتحاد الجامعات العربية

Arab American University
Job Vacancy
A data entry and Administrative Assistant
As part of the Teritiary Education Project financed by the International Dvelopment Assocication (IDA),The Arab American University (aauj) has received a grant from the Ministry of Education & Higher Education towards the cost of  " Graduate tracing for self assessment project " and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payements under the student contract to select data collection and entry students
Assignment Objectivee :
AAUJ is considering the selection of a data entry and administrative assistant to be involoved the project activities

Minimum Qualifications & Requirments :
1- BS in computer science or administrative science or related field
2- 2 years experience in administrative work
3- Good knowledge in surveys and data entry process
4- Good knowledge in computer application (Ms Office)

Main Tasks & Responsibilties :
Under the direction of project coordinator the Administrative assistant and data entry will acheive the following tasks:
-Implement the administrative works for the "Graduate tracing as a means of self assesment project" (filing,archiving,typing,etc)
-Do the data entry for the surveys implemented under the project
-Other tasks decided by the project coordinator concerning the project data

Time frame :
The duration of the contract is from 20/6/2009 to 20/9/2009 the admin & data entry shall work  5 days/week,8 hours per day
Interested candidates could submit Their CV's to [email protected] not later than 16/6/2009

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title A data entry and Administrative Assistant
Deadline 20 - Jun - 2009
Location Jenin
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: