Baseline Study : Promoting Change And Youth Leadership

Job Description

Background: DanChurchAid is an independent, faith-based non-missionary humanitarian and development non-governmental organization (NGO) with headquarter based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The baseline survey aims to establish clear benchmarks at the early stage of the Action which relate to the outputs and results against which progress will be measured and impact assessed at beneficiary, and community levels.

The baseline survey will be part of a larger monitoring and evaluation approach and it forms the basis for measuring change over time to the Action's outcome and impact indicators, it's important for the final evaluation so that impact can be accurately measured. DCA and Palvision will use this information to make sound strategic decisions for programme implementation and future programme development. The baseline survey report will contribute to the body of knowledge on the situation of the East Jerusalem communities.

To the extent possible, the baseline data should enable DCA and its partner to identify results clearly attributable to the implementation of the project as compared to results from interventions by other actors or other conditions

The baseline survey is also an opportunity for Palvision staff to strengthen their own capacity in conducting baseline surveys; hence, participation, training and mentoring opportunities should be explored as much as possible. 

The LFA matrix which has the objectives and the respective indicators of the project is attached to this document to assist in the development of the baseline survey tools.

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How to apply:

Technical and financial proposal should be submitted no later than March 30, 2016 at the following email:

[email protected], Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Baseline Study : Promoting Change And Youth Leadership
Deadline 30 - Mar - 2016
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
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