BC External Evaluation Consultant
Occupied Palestinian Territory: An external evaluation of PUI’s project
INTIQAL 2030 is a Youth-led initiative supported by Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI), an innovative socio-economic development program that leverages on the protection of Cultural Heritage involving communities and local civil society stakeholders, encouraging their interaction on archaeological sites. This initiative creates and runs a safe space in which girls, boys, young people and families engage in concrete actions and express their fears and hopes in a protective environment while developing their resilience following violent or traumatic experiences.
In the very specific context of the Gaza Strip, PUI is looking for an external assessor to evaluate the activities implemented under the British Council funded project (preservation, protection of the two sites) as per the proposal submitted, to analyze how the INTIQAL2030 initiative can better contribute to the SDGs.
The evaluation will focus on programs developed under British Council funding on the Byzantine church site in Jabalyah –North of Gaza, “Mukheitim” and Saint Hilarion monastery at Tell Umm El'-Amr in Western side of Gaza.
The evaluation should take place in February, 2021 (Desk review, data collection phase, interviews). It is substantial that the different actors of the program can be interviewed while the action is still ongoing before the scheduled end of the project on February 28, 2021.
- The assessment report including evaluation against the CPF outcomes from the PUI funding application should be submitted in English to PUI by March, 1st
- The mapping of these outcomes on the SDGS along with actionable recommendations must be submitted by March, 11th
The content of the evaluation mission must allow the scanning of all aspects of the program funded by the British Council Cultural Protection Fund at a fair value taking into consideration the socio-economic and political framework in which the program was carried out, i.e., taking into account the resources (material and human) available, the nature of their implementation and the difficulties and risks encountered and related to the context of Gaza. The risks and obstacles encountered should be given by the different stakeholders involved in the program.
Please click here to find the complete consultancy description
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Applications are solicited from highly-experienced individual consultants that have substantive knowledge of the 2030 Agenda implementation, understanding of the core principles of the 2030 Agenda including national ownership, universality, leave no one behind, human rights, and integration and indivisibility of the Sustainable Development Goals and development.
The specific experience, skills, competencies needed in the evaluator include:
- Extensive experience and knowledge in the area of 2030 Agenda implementation;
- Extensive experience in applying evaluation techniques, and demonstrable experience in conducting evaluations of projects that focus on sustainable development, human development, the 2030 Agenda;
- Qualitative data collection and analysis skills;
- Prior experience in working with INGOs;
- Additional qualifications can be considered an asset: working experience in Palestine, understanding of the UN system and international donors.
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a financial proposal, cover letter, CV and a couple of samples or previous evaluation reports no later than February 2, 2021 via email to [email protected]
The consultancy shall not exceed 7 000 EUR