Call for Individual Consultancy Services [ Software Developm

Job Description



Building a Justice for Children (J4C)
Component within Mizan

February 2017
Call for Individual Consultancy Services

Summary of the project
Activity Title :Mizan4 (short form of Mizan4Children)
Country/region: State of  Palestine
Inception Phase    : 1st March – 30th April 2017

Partners :  
-State of Palestine, High Judicial Council
- State of Palestine, Ministry of Social Development (MoSD)

Contact : [email protected]
Project Title :    Justice for Children

Vision    : Terre des hommes has helped to strengthen children's access to their rights in juvenile justice systems by enhancing the restorative approach, which has helped to significantly and sustainably increase the rate of children benefitting from non-custodial measures and decrease the number of children in detention. Terre des hommes is a world-leading reference in the field of restorative juvenile justice. Its expertise is sought in particular by public authorities.

Expected Results :

Indicator 1.1. # of new mechanisms in place: existence of data collection mechanisms, regular Social Inquiry Report analysis and clear information flowchart

Indicator 1.2. # of customized reports in MIZAN database capturing juvenile cases and referral/inputs from/to CPC/POs, Mediators, Police Officers, Public Relations Officers, Informal Justice System Actors

Indicator 1.3. # of assigned MoSD staff consulted and trained on data entry and usage.


A new “Juvenile Protection Law” was enacted in the form of a “Presidential Decree on the Protection of Juveniles” signed on 4th February 2016. The juvenile justice system in Palestine is facing a number of critical issues, including the following: i) limited number of trained actors (i.e. child protection counsellors, police, prosecutors, judges,  and mediators); ii) absence of information management systems on juvenile justice and lack of statistics; iii) inadequate alternatives to detention (i.e. vocational training, community work); iv) limited coordination amongst the different components of the system and duty-bearers; and v) limited or inexistent child participation within formal and informal systems.

The absence of information management system has led to the following problems: prolonged pre-trial detention, delay in juvenile trial cases, lack of confidentiality (imposing children in conflict with the law
to show up at the regular court where privacy and protection are not guaranteed and the children are rarely informed of their right to counsel in a timely manner.

MIZAN is a sophisticated case management system owned by the High Judicial Council (HJC) and supported by UNDP. It is shared or can be shared with other institutions such as the Attorney General’s Office (AGO), MoSD, Rehabilitation Centres. The database is widely used and increasingly popular outside the judicial sector. A general agreement exists, in principle, whereby MoSD would receive access to MIZAN for selected staff. For this to happen however, detailed customization and planning needs to take place. It is hoped that partial access by Child Protection Counsellors and/or Probation Officers (CPC/PO) will result in faster decisions, reduced backlogs on judges, prosecutors and other staff and a significant increase in the rate of children benefitting from non-custodial measures. It is also hoped that adding Art. 23 mediation cases to a separate register will allow for a tighter control of IJS actors and will bring them in line with international and domestic law.

Description of the assignment

In order to initiate customization of MIZAN for juvenile justice cases, Terre des hommes Foundation in cooperation with UNDP and the HJC is recruiting two experienced software developers to join the HJC IT Unit.

Two VB.Net & ASP.Net Developers are required, available at short notice.

Related Project Indicators

Indicator 1.1. # of new mechanisms in place: existence of data collection mechanisms, regular Social Inquiry Report analysis and clear information flowchart

Indicator 1.2. # of customized reports in MIZAN database capturing juvenile cases and referral/inputs from/to CPC/POs, Mediators, Police Officers, Public Relations Officers, Informal Justice System Actors

Indicator 1.3. # of assigned MoSD staff consulted and trained on data entry and usage.

End users

The end users are 20 to 30 Child Protection Counsellors (formerly known as “Probation Officers”) and their supervisors.  The test users will be 2 Child Protections Counsellors in Hebron and 2 Child Protection Counsellors in Bethlehem.

The Job: Software Customization

The selected Developers’ responsibilities will include the following: 

-Create new features/components in MIZAN2 for Child Protection Counsellors (inception phase)
-Create new web registration forms for Social Inquiry Reports (inception phase)
-Add other parties to the system/create profiles for Child Protection Counsellors, MoEHE School Counsellors (inception phase)
-Include new data fields for mediation (Art. 23) and Alternatives to Detention (Art. 36-46) (inception phase)
-Create model reports to be issued by the Juvenile Courts and Dar Al Amal Rehabilitation Centre
-Create the relationship between the juvenile’s defendants, and the relation between the juvenile defendant and the victim.
-Include special categories for children with disabilities
-Prepare detailed technical specifications for eventual mobile data collection of Social Inquiry Reports
-Prepare detailed technical specifications for the eventual creation of new e-services for specific  Juvenile Justice users (lawyer, families, mediators, school counsellors, Public Relations Officers, Informal Justice System Actors).

Requirements and Competencies

-Bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, or related field
-At least 8 years of experience in the programming domain.
-Professional in Visual Basic .Net programming language.
-Professional in ASP .Net programming language.
-Professional in SQL server 2010 database transactions.
-Professional in SOAP and creating and working with XML web Services 
-Full knowledge in using Crystal Report 10 for creating all needed reports.
-Excellent experience  in Web Design using (CSS, HTML, Java script and Ajax)
-Excellent experience in web Graphics Design using (Photoshop, Flash).

-Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting.
-Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects and programmes.
-Strong IT skills, including proficiency in Microsoft Office software and experience with web-based management systems.
-Ability to lead implementation of new systems (business side), and effect staff behavioural/ attitude change.
-Focuses on impact and results and responds positively to feedback
-Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
-Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
-Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors
-Remains calm, in control and good-humoured even under pressure
-Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
-Communicates effectively, acts with tact and diplomacy
-Proves outgoing and comfortable in handling external relations at all levels 
-Demonstrates compelling communication skills and cross-cultural effectiveness
-Possesses the ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials and counterparts

Languages:  Fluency in Arabic, including excellent drafting skills. Basic competence in written and spoken English.

Duty Station: 
Ramallah, High Judicial Council, MIZAN 2 Taskforce, HJC IT Unit

Payment Schedule (Inception Phase)
75% upon signature of the consultancy agreement, 25% upon satisfactory completion of all tasks.

Procedure to Apply

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information, which comprises the Technical Proposal to

[email protected]

 with Mizan in the subject line:

Provide personal CV including all qualifications and past experience in similar projects
Submit at least two (2) up-to-date recommendation letters
Explain why you are the most suitable for the work
Provide a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work ., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Call for Individual Consultancy Services [ Software Developm
Deadline 20 - Mar - 2017
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: