Call For Training Consultancy

Job Description



Call For Training Consultancy


The Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) was established in 2003 as the key National Women Machinery and mandated to promote gender equality and women's empowerment at the national level, in addition to promoting government commitment towards institutionalizing gender equality issues in policies, strategies, and budgets to ensure social justice and equal opportunity for all citizens in accessing available resources and services.

Given the nature of the ministry’s mandate and the fact that gender is cross-sectoral and multi-dimension aspect, the ministry is working with the different sectors and ministries including the civil society organizations on gender mainstreaming at the national level, including MoWA providing technical assistance to national partners in GE issues and promoting combating VAW and increasing women participation in public and economic life. The ministry is working on the following different strategic themes; Reduction of rates of violence against Palestinian women in all its forms; Increase women participation in public life and in decision- making circuits; institutionalization of gender equality and gender equity at the nation al level (gender mainstreaming); enhancing women's participation in the economic sector; improving the quality of life of the poor and marginalized families.

Within the framework of the currently implemented “WELOD 3 Programme” funded by the Italian Government through the Italian Cooperation, and implemented by the Palestinian Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA), the Ministry is pursuing its efforts to carry out its mandate at the national level, and continuing its efforts to build capacities of its staff and other national partners’ staff to ensure that MoWA staff and national partners’ staff are able to effectively implement the agenda of GE and women empowerment at the national level. The ministry, through support of the Italian Cooperation, is currently intending to work on developing and implementing a short-term ToT programme  that targets a group of employees from the ministry and its partners that focuses on the following areas:

-Project life cycle – Project management covering all aspects of the project various phases and processes and Project Design & Proposal writing (25 hours)
-Women's economic empowerment and development theories and practices. (25 hours)
-TOT in Business plans development and evaluation. (25 hours)
-TOT in Against women violence (25 hours)

How to apply:

Interested applicants with relevant experience and education are encouraged to submit an application as follows:

Application form and complete Terms of Reference

Submit a technical application that includes  

- Summary of relevant previous experience of the consultant and the team members;
- CV of lead consultant and any support trainers for every topic,
- A sample of previously done piece of work in relevant topic; training, curriculum, or plans, -Submit a financial proposal. Prices should be in

American Dollar and must be valid up till 60 days after the submission date. The financial proposal must identify the daily rate and the total cost and should respect the maximum limit mentioned in this TOR.

Please submit your complete application Technical & Financial Offers two in sealed envelopes no later than the 26 of October 2016. at 12:00 O’clock (local time)at the Ministry of women's affairs (MOWA) Gaza.
Abu Khadra complex – MOWA Tel: 2841640, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Call For Training Consultancy
Deadline 26 - Oct - 2016
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: