CAP Assessment Consultant

Job Description

P.O. Box 38712 East Jerusalem
Phone: (972) 2 – 5829962 / 5825853, Fax: (972) 2 – 5825841

Terms of Reference
Consultant for CAP Assessment
Jerusalem, OCHA oPt
ملاحظة هامة : للتقدم لهذه الوظيفة يجب اولا تعبئة النموذج الخاص بالمؤسسة ومن ثم ارساله مرفقا مع السيرة الذاتية ولن تقبل طلبات بدون تعبئة النوذج ،لتحميل النموذج الخاص بالمؤسسة الرجاء الضغط هنا
The UN and partners (The Humanitarian community) in oPt have produced a Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) in oPt since 2003. The CAP has supported a major humanitarian operation in both Gaza and the West Bank, with significant resources having been channeled to assist the Palestinian people.
OCHA, in coordination with UNSCO and the Palestinian Authority, has decided to
conduct an assessment of the CAP in oPt to provide information and lessons learned
on the strategic choices and the funding trends that have shaped the use of the
mechanism since 2003. Such an assessment will inform the development of the 2010
and future CAPs.

The consultant shall undertake a desk review of the Consolidated Appeals Process in
oPt from 2003 to 2009. The desk review, which shall be complemented, as required,
by face to face / phone / email interviews with relevant actors, will address the following topics and questions:
I. Strategy
1-What are the main areas of strategic focus (and changes to those areas) that
have underpinned the CAP since 2003 and are these strategic choices clearly
communicated in the CAP documents?
2-To what extent have CHAPs presented a consistent or changing response
strategy throughout the period under review (e.g. focusing on protection or
infrastructure) and do the CAPs present a coherent link between the strategy
and the understanding and analysis of humanitarian needs?
II. Evaluation / Lessons learned
1-Have successive CAPs incorporated lessons learned from previous years
and/or experiences in similar contexts?
2-To what extent have evaluations been undertaken at the project and sector
levels and how do evaluation findings at the project and sector level feed into
both CAP mid year reviews and CAP development in the following year?
III. Funding
1-Analysis of funding requested by sector, agency type (UN / non UN; international / national) and size of project.
2-Analysis of funding received by sector, agency type (UN / non UN; international / national) and size of project

The consultancy is for 20 working days

Advanced university degree (Masters Degree) in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Humanitarian Affairs, or other relevant field, or the equivalent combination of education and experience in a related area.

1-Minimum of 3 years of experience in development or humanitarian contexts
preferably with a humanitarian monitoring background.
2-Field experience in humanitarian coordination is an asset
3-Experience working in International humanitarian organizations.

Fluency in oral and written English is essential.

The consultant should provide a written report of maximum length of twenty five
(25) pages, including annexes.
The desk review should be based on the following documents / inputs:
1-oPt CAPs 2003 – 2008
2-oPt CAP evaluations (projects / sectors / global)
3-Donor reports
4-Interviews (face to face / email / telephone) with OCHA, PA, other UN
agencies and all other relevant actors.

How to apply:
Candidates interested in applying for this position should provide the following:
1-A complete Personal History Form (P11) in English providing full details on
education, present and past employment, language skills, computer skills, etc.
P11 form can be found on OCHA’s website below.
2-A short letter in English (max 300 words) explaining why you think you are qualified for this post and why you would like to work for OCHA. Also indicate when you can start work.

Only qualified candidates should apply and only those who have been short
listed will be contacted.

Please e-mail your cover letter and application (P11) to the following e-mail address:
[email protected] or send your application by fax to: (+972) 2-582 5841. Applications
received after this date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 17 July 2009, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title CAP Assessment Consultant
Deadline 17 - Jul - 2009
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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