Code Academy Program Assistant
Job Description
Position Title : Code Academy Program Assistant
Position Type : Regular, Full Time
Location : Mercy Corps Gaza Office
Duration : One Year with Three months’ probation period
Years of Experience: Minimum 1 year of experience
Gaza Sky Geeks (GSG) is Gaza’s leading co-working space, tech education hub, and startup accelerator, run by Mercy Corps, a nonprofit international relief and development organization with programs in the occupied Palestinian territories since the 1980s. Mercy Corps founded GSG in partnership with in 2011. We bring together online freelancers, outsourcers, and startup founders together under one roof to share ideas, best practices, code, and build brighter futures through the power of the internet. Gaza Sky Geeks’ overarching goal is to build an internationally competitive technology ecosystem in Gaza through online freelancing, outsourcing, and startups.
The GSG Code Academy is excited to announce a new opportunity to join our team.
The Code Academy Program
The code academy program started back in 2017 with an objective to build and accelerate competent tech talent in Palestine.
Across the program we provide an immersive, intensive peer-led and projects learning environment for young Gazans and Palestinians in the WB where they can collaboratively acquire the knowledge and the skills that would enable them to jumpstart their career in tech as competent employable junior web developers. It’s a highly competitive program we only take a limited number of applicant for each cohort, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Job Requirements
The Position
This role primarily provides administrative support to the Code Academy & Talent Matching Team including financial and procurement-related paperwork, as well as ownership of projects related to systems optimization, research of tools and resources to improve the Code Academy program, and data & analysis.
As the Code Academy Program Assistant you will support the rapidly evolving functions of the program operations and logistics, raise the bar for the effectiveness and speed of the payment processes for our hired developer, working closely with our Talent Matching Team. In addition to focusing on improving the quality of our data collected throughout the program and after graduation that better captures the program outcomes and results.
Your role will be key to establish, facilitate and optimize our internal processes, data collection, analysis and research and feeding back lessons learned into the different aspects of the program and its main offerings. That will directly contribute to the continuous growth of the program’s impact and thus the pool of young talent we work with not only in Gaza but also across Palestine. You will be part of a growing team leading on the tech education and placement components of the Code Academy Program but also part of our bigger 50+ national team members at Gaza Sky Geeks driving growth and change on every level of the work we do across Palestine.
We will be looking to hire by mid-June 2021.
Job Details
Job Title
Code Academy Program Assistant
10 - May - 2021
Gaza Strip
Job Type
Full time
Position Level
Entry Level
Bachelor's degree
1 Year
I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions
This application will be open until midnight on Monday 10 May 2021.
Qualified persons with disability are highly encouraged to apply.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
For any inquiries, please email [email protected]
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