Job Description

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is seeking to mandate a communication specialist for public/advocacy communications to upgrade capacities of Israeli and Palestinian Human Rights (HR) NGOs

The consultant will have to identify public/advocacy communication needs of a selected number of implementing partners (IPs), namely 9 Human Rights (HR) NGOs supported by SDC through core funding contributions. She/he consequently formulates ad-hoc measures and strategies – based on the detected needs – for the IPs to have enhanced quality external communication/media advocacy strategy with International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) narrative.

The objectives of the mandated communication specialist are:

  1. To assess the implementing partner’s overall communication capacities, both at institutional and operational level,
  2. To formulate recommendations and accompany the 9 HR NGOs in view of ameliorating their communication modalities and branding

The estimated duration of this mandate is about 120 days, to be conducted in a maximum timeframe of 20 months (2021-2023) (i.e. starting September 2021 to end May 2023)., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

The application shall be submitted to the following email: [email protected]. The email must mention “Communications Specialist” in the subject line.

Clarifications and questions can be received in writing only until 12 August 2021 to the following email: [email protected]. The answers to all questions will be shared with all applicants.

Job Details
Job Title Communication Specialist
Deadline 26 - Aug - 2021
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 2 Years
Category Other
Application Instructions

Interested candidates shall apply to this email [email protected] to receive the 1) Terms of Reference, 2) Budget template and 2) the FDFA Code of Conduct to be submitted with the following other documents:

-       Letter of Interest (cover letter) with indication of applicant’s ability and availability

-       CV or Resume explaining how your background and experience are relevant to the consultancy work assignment and the qualifications, competencies, knowledge and skills

-       Example/s of applicant’s performance evaluation reports or references of similar consultancy assignments or other references of similar communications consultancy assignments (if available)

-       The budget template filled with your fee proposal (in USD) or any expenses to undertake the terms of reference above

-       Acceptance of the FDFA code of conduct

Please note again that all applications should be submitted only to [email protected].

Deadline for submitting the applications is Thursday 26 August 2021 by 16:00No applications will be accepted afterwards

The winner will be informed on the 2nd week of September 2021.

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: