Communication with Community's Officer
YVS is a rapidly growing LNGO in Gaza, we work on Education in Emergencies, MHPSS, FSL, Cash assistance, and WASH throughout Gaza. The Youth Vision Society (YVS) started as a youth-led initiative by people who were passionate about community development and providing hope in Gaza. The organisation began by focusing on youths as the future of Gaza, and while we continue that work, we also focus on wider community resilience and gender transformation across all age groups. YVS emphasises empowering youths, women, and community by fostering independence, responsibility, and commitment, enabling them to realise their potential and positively impact society. We believe that young people have a crucial role in community building, and that the success of our youth is a measure of a thriving society.
Communications with Communities (CwC) specialists help the affected people to meet communication and information needs. A CwC specialist assists people in need in accessing relevant information and communication means to make sure that responding agencies include their feedback in projects. Moreover, he/she provides technical guidance for partners, clusters and advocates for increased CwC.
Duties and responsibilities
- Coordination of CwC working groups.
- Creation and production of information campaigns for affected communities.
- Gathering news and write stories or other media for publication.
- Facilitation of a smooth production and distribution of communications tools for the affected population.
- Make sure that media products are distributed to affected populations in time via partners and local press.
- Initiate joint needs assessments, advocacy messaging and mapping of activities.
- Reporting and analysis of CwC activities.
- Identify CwC opportunities and gaps.
- Support other programs in CwC.
- Assist partners and local committees in their support of CwC.
- Establishment of partnerships with key communities., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Required qualifications
- Professional technical experience matching the above-mentioned duties and responsibilities.
- A minimum of 3 years' experience in related fields.
- Relevant educational background and knowledge of the UN.
- Knowledge and understanding of the complexity related to refugee and IDP situations.
- Proficiency in one (preferable two) language. English and Arabic
Please send a CV and Cover Letter (Max 2 page each) in English to [email protected] by 8th March2025
We understand that many prospective candidates might find it difficult to write a cover letter or update their CV given the current circumstances, please try to send us whatever you can that shows you meet most of our requirements, for instance, write a sentence about each of the personal specifications and an old copy of your CV.
YVS is an equal opportunities employer. Women, LGBTQI+ and persons living with disabilities are encouraged to reply. YVS recognises that people in these groups who meet some but not all of the criteria are more likely to refrain from applying. If you think you meet a lot of the criteria and would make a good candidate for the role. Please reply anyway.
YVS may interview on a rolling basis and may close the position early if we find the right candidate. All candidates are encouraged to apply early. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.