Computer Clubhouse Coordinator

Job Description
Job Opportunity
RUWWAD, Palestinian Youth Empowerment Program, is a USAID-funded program implemented by the Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC). Ruwwad empowers young Palestinians to become leaders of social change by providing advanced leadership opportunities through the National Youth Corps (NYC), which is composed of young men and women, aged 14-30 years. Ruwwad also supports the creation of a network of three Youth Development Resource Centers (YDRC) and affiliated youth clubs, and is working to support the three YDRCs to develop their managerial and programming capacity so that they are better equipped to serve Palestinian youth. Specifically, Ruwwad will provide technical assistance to the YDRCs in strategic planning, IT capacity, management systems, and program oversight.
The Intel Computer Clubhouse Network is an international community of 110 Computer Clubhouses located in 20 different countries
around the world. The proposed Ruwwad-YDRC Computer Clubhouse provides a creative and safe out-of-school learning environment for after-school programs where young people from underserved communities work with adult mentors to explore their own ideas, develop skills and build self-confidence through the use of technology.

The Ruwwad Program is currently looking for candidates for the following two positions:
-Computer Clubhouse Coordinator at the Beit At-Tifl YDRC- Hebron.
-Computer Clubhouse coordinator at the Al-Bireh YDRC- Al-Bireh

Job Description:
Each Computer Clubhouse Coordinator will be responsible for starting-up and managing an innovative new program at their respective YDRC, entitled the Computer Clubhouse. Supported by USAID, the program is targeted at young people between the ages 10 and 18
who live in the local community, and seeks to help them use computers and related information-technologies in developing interests and talents, as well implementing projects that will be meaningful to them and their communities. The Clubhouse will offer use of resources, in the form of hardware and software, as well as other support, such as relevant training and instruction.

Duties & Responsibilities:
-Engage in community outreach with the aim of involving a diverse group of young people, parents, teachers, and community leaders in the Clubhouse program.
- Help Clubhouse members develop projects.
-Recruit, train, and support volunteer mentors, and ensure that these mentors work effectively with youth at the Clubhouse.
-Support youth in planning for the future, including pursuing opportunities for study or work that leverage their Clubhouse skills and experience.
-Provide basic computer maintenance, including file management, trouble-shooting, and technical support to Clubhouse youth and mentors.
-Provide administrative support for the Clubhouse program, including keeping records of participants and keeping the Clubhouse space organized.
-Assist the YDRC in fund-raising and publicity for the Computer Clubhouse, communicating Clubhouse philosophy, goals, and results to external sources.
- Participate in the Intel Computer Clubhouse Network, attend Network meetings, share ideas and issues, and support projects involving collaboration among Clubhouses.

Required Qualifications:
-BSc. Degree in Computer Science or a related field.
-A minimum of 3 years of work experience in an informal learning environment.
-Experience with computers and interest in technology as a creative and empowering tool.
-Proven track-record working with youth, particularly in underserved communities.
-Demonstrated ability to reach out to youth, parents, educators, and community leaders.
-Strong interpersonal skills.
-Excellent organizational skills.

This position will also require that its holder occasionally travel outside of Palestine
Duty Station:
1-Al Bireh YDRC/ Al Bireh
2-Beit At Tifel YDRC / Hebron
Contract Duration:
1 year renewable.

-Interested candidates may fax their CVs and a cover letter to 022423544, or send these documents by email to [email protected].
-The deadline for submitting CV’s is November 1, 2009.
-Only short-listed candidates will be contacted., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Computer Clubhouse Coordinator
Deadline 01 - Nov - 2009
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions
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