Job Description

INTIQAL Consortium Coordinator Replacement

Base of posting: Jerusalem (with frequent visits to other areas)

Starting Date: July 2024

End Date:: December 2024

Première Urgence Internationale is a French non-profit, non-political, non-religious non-governmental international organization (NGO); which has been operational in the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 2002. 

PUI is operating in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip. The organization is working in different fields such as shelter, Food security and livelihoods, Agriculture, Heritage, Economic recovery and Cultural Heritage.

PUI’s humanitarian and development aid strategy focuses on providing support to populations affected by the coercive environment and subsequent violations of international humanitarian/human rights law in both the West Bank (WB) and the Gaza Strip (GS). It combines several sectors of intervention to prevent the loss of livelihoods and displacement of populations as a consequence of protection threats, addresses the lack of services (Health, Education, WASH), and the lack of access to agricultural lands or job opportunities.

Overall Objective

The INTIQAL Consortium is led by Premiere Urgence Internationale, an innovative socio- economic development program that leverages on the protection of Cultural Heritage involving communities and local civil society stakeholders, encouraging their interaction on archaeological sites. This initiative creates and runs a safe space in which girls, boys, young people and families engage in concrete actions and express their fears and hopes in a protective environment while developing their resilience following violent or traumatic experiences.

INTIQAL provides opportunities for Youth to be a positive force for development, engaging them in supporting and achieving comprehensive socio-economic development for their community, and to help accelerate the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) approved by the United Nations.

Under the direct management of PUI Deputy Head of Mission for Programs and the joint management of the Consortium Steering Committee (comprised of all consortium partners), the Consortium Coordinator key objective is to make sure that the consortium project activities are implemented in a coordinated, efficient, effective, timely and qualitative manner. S/he is the guarantor of effective and qualitative internal and external information management according to internal consortium agreed guidelines and donor requirements.

The INTIQAL Consortium is led by PUI, in partnership with EBAF (Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Française de Jerusalem), MoTA (Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities) and several academic partners. The Consortium Coordinator will aim to maximize the sectoral and geographical scope of the integrated approach that partners implement, as well as to enhance the quality and impact of their action by combining resources, complementary expertise and access. Consortium Coordinator will ensure the synergy among all partners.


Tasks from 16th of August until 31st of December 2024

  • Program coordination: To ensure the activities are implemented in a timely and professional manner, according to objectives, goals and indicators, in line with donor requirements and based on beneficiary needs. A focus on the East Jerusalem component will be needed, as the period will be dedicated to the selection of various contractors and consultants and follow up of the phase 2 of the renovations and works in sensitive heritage site, in compliance to AFD procurements and no objection procedures for the selection of the contractors aligned with competition standards and in link with EBAF’s expectations
  • Support coordination: To ensure regular follow up of financial, logistic and HR means and follow up with the contracts: drafting, signing, launch of payments and service completion in link with the logistic, finance and administrative departments of the Nablus office.
  • Reports, grants, audit and compliance management: To coordinate with relevant colleagues the drafting and submission of narrative reports and with the finance department the submission of the financial reports. To ensure respect of donor grants award contract as well as Partnership agreements.


Specific objectives and linked activities per project:

AFD funded project:

1. Ensure the good implementation of the selection process for the selection of a work company for phase 2 of the works (pavilion above the mosaic and atrium exhibit space layout)

  • Re-drafting and completion of the pre-drafted request for quotations (RfQ) taking into consideration the detailed design and annexes due by the consultant in design and works supervision to PUI
  • Ensure the review process of the RfQ by the scientific coordinator and the logistic department.
  • Full completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the contractors shortlist and the RfQ
  • Sharing of the RfQ to the shortlisted work companies and following up
  • Supporting the logistic department for the selection process and drafting the evaluation report
  • Completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the evaluation report and the contract
  • Negotiation of the contract in link with the admin., finance and logistics departments in Nablus office

2. Follow up with the works contract implementation and activities progress to be shared with the partners (EBAF) and donor (AFD)

  • Site meetings organization with the PUI Scientific coordinator, contractor, PUI Consultant in design and works supervision and EBAF
  • Site visits for the donor
  • Issues solving on site taking into consideration EBAF’s requirements and site constraints and developing constant dialogue with EBAF to ensure the quality of the project implementation
  • Collect the reports from the contractor and ensure information sharing

3. Ensure the good implementation of the selection of a scenography designer to design the Atrium exhibit space layout and visitor’s path

  • Full completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the RfQ for consultancy in scenography design
  • Sharing of the RfQ to the 4 pre-selected scenographers after AFD no objection
  • Supporting the logistic department for the selection process and drafting the evaluation report
  • Completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the evaluation report and the contract
  • Negotiation of the contract in link with the admin., finance and logistics departments in Nablus office

4. Follow up with the contract implementation and scenography progress to be shared with the partners (EBAF) and donor (AFD)

  • Attend the online meetings with Louvre and the Scientific Coordinator to ensure the quality of the scenographic proposal (preliminary and detailed designs)
  • Collect the deliverables from the consultant and ensure information sharing with partners
  • Ensure the quality of the deliverables: scenography concept and designs for the Atrium exhibit space and visitors’ path based upon the Louvre Cultural and Scientific Project (PSC).

5. Ensure the good implementation of the selection of a local contractor to execute the scenographic supports

  • Re-drafting and completion of the pre-drafted RfQ taking into consideration the detailed design and annexes due by the consultant in design and works supervision and the designs of the scenographer designer
  • Ensure the review process of the RfQ by le Louvre partners, the scientific coordinator, the consultant in design and works supervision and the logistic department.
  • Full completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the RfQ
  • RfQ publication, in link with the logistics department
  • Supporting the logistic department for the selection process and drafting the evaluation report
  • Completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the evaluation report and the contract
  • Negotiation of the contract in link with the admin., finance and logistics departments in Nablus office

 6. Ensure the good implementation of selection of a company to create the 2 models of St Hilarion and St Stephen (to be located beside the Atrium)

  • Re-drafting and completion of the pre-drafted RfQ taking into consideration the detailed design and annexes due by the consultant in design and works supervision and the designs of the scenographer designer
  • Ensure the review process of the RfQ by le Louvre partners, the scientific coordinator, the consultant in design and works supervision and the logistic department.
  • Full completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the RfQ
  • RfQ publication, in link with the logistics department
  • Supporting the logistic department for the selection process and drafting the evaluation report
  • Completion of the HQ approval and AFD no objection procedures upon the evaluation report and the contract
  • Negotiation of the contract in link with the admin., finance and logistics departments in Nablus office

7. Partnership animation with Al Quds University and international experts

  • Organize relevant meetings with AQU and EBAF for the good implementation of the training component in May-April 2025 targeting 5 AQU students.
  • Follow up on the program international experts’ contracts implementation and financial requirements

8. Execution of the procurements for the Gaza component phase 1 in link with the logistics department:

  • Drafting of the procurement plan for the Gaza component in link with the Scientific coordinator and the logistic department
  • Ensure the relevancy of the procurements channels according to the context in Gaza
  • Supporting the logistic department in the procurement process

9. Reporting :

  • Regular data collect to ease the AFD annual progress reporting No.3 due in February 2025
  • Drafting of a first draft of the AFD annual report in cooperation with PUI teams


BC4 project:

1. Support the Nablus office in the follow up of the oral history activities and the Gaza office in the follow up of all activities

  • Regular security assessment to ensure the security of the youth researchers in Gaza and WB ; and updated mitigation plan to be approved collectively with Coventry University (CU) partners
  • Attend the monthly Technical Committees for implementation of the decisions making and harmonize the processes between the WB and Gaza
  • Supervise in link with the WBFC and the INTIQAL community engagement officer the good implementation of youth researchers and trainers assistant’s fees monthly payments.
  • Supervise in link with the GSFC, the scientific coordinator and the community engagement officer the implementation of other project activities in Gaza

2. Support the Nablus office in the organization of the 2nd training workshop in august-sept 2024

  • Decision making process about the organization online or in person
  • Coventry University (CU) support to ensure their travel to Palestine (if in person)
  • Support the Nablus office in the logistics
  • Share information with the donor (BC office in Jerusalem) to allow their attendance

3. Support the Nablus office in the organization of the symposium in November 2024

  • Decision making process about the organization online or in person
  • Coventry University (CU) support to ensure their travel to Palestine (if in person)
  • Support the Nablus office in the logistics
  • Share information with the donor (BC office in Jerusalem) to allow their attendance

4. Reporting

  • Ensure the payment request procedure completion and the drafting of the narrative reports with relevant colleagues due on the 10th of july, 5th of September and 5th of November 2024.
  • Coordinate with the financial department their submission of the financial report and the updated cashflow.

ALIPH project

  • Follow up on the concept note drafting
  • Follow up on the implementation of activities with the scientific coordinator and PUI GS office
  • Reporting with the support of the GS Office
  • Coordinate with the financial department the submission of the financial report and the updated cashflow., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Required Knowledge and Skills

EDUCATION: Master's degree in project management, political sciences, international development, humanitarian studies, public administration, social science or other relevant areas; or equivalent professional experience.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: (Humanitarian, International)


  • Experience in procurement department and at least 2 years of experience in a similar role.


  • Past work experience and/or knowledge of donor compliance requirements



  • Strong knowledge in procurement and tendering procedures
  • Strong  knowledge  of  donor requirements (AFD procedures, donors reporting…)
  • Strong experience in writing, reviewing and editing narrative and financial reports and excellent attention to details.



  • English
  • Arabic (desirable)
  • French (desirable)

Required: Strong command in writing and editing documents in English.

SOFTWARE (Pack Office, Other (to be specified)

Required: Strong computer skills essential, including ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel, database management software, statistical packages, GIS.

Job Details
Job Title INTIQAL Consortium Coordinator
Deadline 18 - Jun - 2024
Location Jerusalem, Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Management
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 2 Years
Application Instructions

PUI provides a work environment that reflects the values of integrity, diversity and gender equality. Therefore, we strongly encourage applications from women and underrepresented cultural or social groups, particularly people with disabilities and people from communities highly affected by occupation-related violence (including settler violence).

All PUI workers adhere to the values and principles outlined in the PUI Code of Conduct and policies, including the Protection from Exploitation and Abuse Policy and the Child Protection Policy.”

If you believe you are the candidate we are looking for, you could apply using the two mandatory steps:
1. Please fill in the form in the link below:


2. In addition, please submit a cover letter and a detailed resume before Tuesday June 18, 2024 by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Please indicate the Position Title " INTIQAL Consortium Coordinator Replacement " in the E-mail subject line.

Incomplete applications or Unfilled Forms will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: