Job Description


Consultancy #: 2023 –C – 03

Tamkeen program "Youth Empowerment and Development"

About Ajyal

Ajyal Association for Creativity and Development is a Palestinian nongovernmental organization firstly established in 2003 and registered at the Ministry of Interior, no.7329. It mainly aims to contribute in the Palestinian society development through implementing a variety of programs and developing projects. It seeks likewise to develop the concepts of community work according to a vision suits our society needs and to increase the targeted groups awareness and perception to contribute in a real development process to ultimately enhance and develop our society abilities. Ajyal works on four main programs: (Youth, child, woman and humanitarian support).

Project Description:

Ajyal Association has received a grant from IM Swedish Development Partner for its project Tamkeen: "Youth Empowerment and Development", #:832026 aiming at the social inclusion of the rights holders, by increasing their participation in public affairs, particularly youth engagement in the local governance. Moreover, enhancing the rights holders' economic inclusion via increasing their access and utilization of their productive resources and individual assets that could be as a small capital in order to start their business as follow:

Overall Project Objective: "Contributing to resilience building of youth in the Gaza Strip"

Specific objective 1: Enabling Palestinian Youth to engage in labour market via “Telework” aiming at improving their economic situation.

Specific objective 2: Empowered young civic leaders among Palestinian youth who are able to achieve better change at local governance., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Roles and responsibilities:

  1. Review all project-related documents.
  2. Develop and/or update M&E tools, databases and monthly reporting formats in close collaboration with the project team.
  3. Formulate the project's monitoring and evaluation plan based on its framework.
  4. Continuous coordination with the project team to ensure the effective implementation of the monitoring and evaluation system and procedures used in data collection.
  5. Produce interim and annual evaluations to measure the project’s progress in both components "economic and social inclusion", and provide recommendations for the development of the work, and the mechanisms used to implement its various activities.
  6. Prepare the MEAL framework and tools and participate to the development of the databases.
  7. Organize and provide follow-up meetings, as needed.
  8. Ensure that the vision and strategy of the project are incorporated into the monitoring and evaluation processes.
  9. Monitor overall project implementation and provide feedback and achievements to the project staff.



  1. Written M&E plan and develop project monitoring and evaluation tools (quantitative and qualitative) with a social and economic impact lens, to measure the achievements of the project objectives.
  2. Carry out interim and annual evaluations to measure the project’s progress.
  3. Develop a tracking plan for the targets for both components of the project and activities.
  4. Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools, and templates as needed.
  5. Written progress reports with the support of the project team.
  6. Tracking and documenting project activities and achievements.
  7. Measuring project success indicators and following up on trainees' work within the project components to assess, monitor and evaluate the results.
  8. Measurements and assessments of project outcomes, developing required tools to activate the project framework.
  9. Generating reports to formulate overall measurable results and indicators in the action plans.
  10. Assist in documenting and monitoring success stories, feedback and learning lessons.

Required qualifications:

  1. Holding a bachelor's degree in a related field.
  2. At least three years of experience in t monitoring, follow-up, and evaluation field.
  3. Advanced knowledge of monitoring and evaluation systems in various areas of development, including different approaches and implementation mechanisms.
  4. Previous experience in producing M& E reports and documents related to projects, in both Arabic and English languages.
  5. Possess high communication skills, and the ability to work within a team.
  6. Previous experience in economic and social development projects for youth.
Job Details
Job Title MEAL Consultant
Deadline 14 - May - 2023
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions

Application Consideration

Interested applicants are required to send:

  1. Financial offer: budget breakdown of the total costs of the service provision per the above tasks. The submitted offers should be in ILS.
  2. CV and cover letter.
  3. The consultant should submit a detailed technical proposal including work methodology, action plan as well as recommendations for the follow-up and monitoring to be adhered to by the project team and staff.
  4. The offers must include separate technical and financial proposals;
  5. Applications without financial proposal will be treated as incomplete.
  6. We reserve the right not to accept any of the offers received, without declaring the reasons.
  7. Only shortlisted consultants will be contacted following the preliminary scanning and review of the received offers from consultants.

The criteria which shall serve as basis for evaluating offers will be:

  • Technical qualification; (70%)
  • (30%) on the resume.
  • (20%) Previous work and experiences.
  • (20%) work methodology, action plan.
  • Financial proposal; (30%).

The total price shall be in a fixed lump-sum amount, and milestone payments corresponding to outputs shall be indicated in the proposal.

Interested applicants should submit the Job Application Form through.


Interested candidates are highly encouraged to submit the proposals in closed envelopes to Ajyal Association Tal El HAwa, near to Carefour mall, opposite to Cedar restaurant, Abu Yousef Al Najjar building no later than Sunday, 14th May 2023; from 10:00 am to 15:00 pm daily. Friday and Saturday are days-off ,For more details, contact us at: [email protected]

Note The Cost of Electronic advertisements will be on the awarded tender winner.

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: