Consultancy for a Development of Emergency Response plans

Job Description

Strengthening Emergency Preparedness in Gaza

Development of Emergency Response plans


DCA through its partner MAAN Development Center is implementing an emergency preparedness project “Strengthening Emergency Preparedness in Gaza”.
The project aims at strengthening the emergency preparedness capacity in Gaza.
To this end, this Operation will establish emergency response support and coordination structures and plans. The structure will include Community Emergency Response Committees (CERC) in 15 high risk communities in Gaza benefiting about 105,000 persons. Supporting committees will be established at governorate level and central level encompassing DCA, MA’AN and other CSOs actors to support the community preparedness and response at the local level. The central level committee will work to links the local ER committees to the existing ER structures INGO’s clusters.
To develop a comprehensive Emergency response plan to be used in an emergency situation in Gaza.

لتصلك اخر برامج التشغيل والوظائف في غزة على جوالك وبدون رسوم  ارسل حرف  غ  للرقم 37953

The plan should include a consolidation of three levels plans, the community level, Governorate level and the central level. 

Please send a proposal to DCA procurement department, DCA Finance, Procurement, and Admin Officer,


The ER plan should address and consider the needs for the 15 targeted communities.
Deadline Friday the 27th November 2015 at 16:00


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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Consultancy for a Development of Emergency Response plans
Deadline 27 - Nov - 2015
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
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