Job Description
The East-Jerusalem YMCA (EJ-YMCA) is a non-profit community-based Christian association whose mission is to build and empower individuals and communities by offering programmes that develop a healthy spirit, mind, and body based on Christian principals.
The East Jerusalem YMCA Rehabilitation Program (EJ-YMCA-RP) established in 1989 to offer quality rehabilitative services to youth who are physically disabled, injured or traumatized as a result of political violence.
Y Care International (YCI) works in partnership with young people worldwide through the YMCA movement to help them enrich their lives and to build a more just world, free from poverty. YCI works in the following thematic areas: life skills and livelihoods, conflict situations, emergencies, health and wellbeing and youth justice.
EJ-YMCA – rehabilitation program and YCI is looking for an experienced

To conduct a Mid-term evaluation for DFID funded project entitled “Empowering Disabled Young People to Access their Rights in the West Bank” which is carried out by EJ-YMCA Rehabilitation program in partnership with YCARE International.

The successful candidate must have the following skills and experience:
-Masters level degree or equivalent experience (minimum 5 years) in relevant field
-Extensive experience in monitoring and evaluation systems and tools
-Experience with using participatory evaluative approaches
-Demonstrated ability to create practical simple monitoring and evaluation tools
-Strong analytical and report-writing skills.
-Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills in English and Arabic.

The successful applicant will receive a copy of YCI’s Working with Children and Young People Policy and EJ-YMCA Child Protection Policy and will be asked to sign a Statement of Commitment to it.
Please email your CV and a cover letter along with an example of a previous evaluation report produced to [email protected] requesting the Project Midterm evaluation ToR, DFID Evaluation Requirements and Guidelines, based on which a proposal and budget for the evaluation should be prepared and submitted as part of the application.  
Qualified persons are encouraged to send their proposal and budget  to the following email [email protected] under the subject header of "Empowering Disabled Young People to Access their Rights in the West Bank".
Only short- listed candidates will be contacted for interview.
Closing date: February 9th, 2012 by 12:00 noon.
Effective aid through YMCAs worldwide, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Consultant
Deadline 09 - Feb - 2012
Location Bethlehem
Job Type Part time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: