Job Description

Terms of Reference for

Advanced Seminar on Computer Skills


Programme Title Al Fakhoora Scholarships and Empowerment Programme
Execution Agency  Save Youth Future Society
Submission Deadline 30/07/2020
Expected Starting Date 16/08/2020
Assignment Duration 5 months


Save Youth Future Society (SYFS) is an independent Palestinian development humanitarian, training, scientific and cultural institution established in March 2001, registered by law as a non-profit organization. The SYFS office is located in Gaza. SYFS work is informed by the necessity of creating independent, self-reliant initiatives that lead to the achievement of sustainable development, and which incorporate values of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment. SYFS especially appreciates the important role youth and women have in society, and therefore strive to enhance and increase their contribution in the community.

Save Youth Future Society, has established a partnership with the Al Fakhoora Dynamic Futures Program funded by Education Above All (Qatar) and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/ Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP).   currently, The SYFS is implementing a training program focusing on the enhancement of the academic achievements of Al Fakhoora Dynamic Futures students through gaining an Advanced Seminar on Computer Skills that would contribute to the students’ academic success.

Project Aim (Overall objective):

The Dynamic Futures Programme aims at building a cadre of educated and trained leaders who are civic-minded, intellectually able, and professionally skilled to become the community, business, and national leaders of the future.

Project Description:

Al Fakhoora Dynamic Futures Programme. The Programme, which targets Palestinian postsecondary students of underserved backgrounds, avails opportunities for them to actualize their potential by overcoming socioeconomic, political and cultural limitations and enable them to become productive members in the society.  Al-Fakhoora Dynamic Futures Programme is multi-faceted, with a number of inter-related components and subcomponents, all working towards the overall aim stated above.

The Programme is classified in terms of four interrelated components: 

  • Access to Quality Education, including domestic and international undergraduate scholarships, international postgraduate scholarships, and empowerment programs;
  • Student Affairs, including comprehensive support services to contribute to students’ success and wellbeing through ‘Al-Fakhoora House – Students services Unit’ and the Al Fakhoora Alumni
  • Leadership Development Skills, including leadership training and opportunities, community services, as well as local and international initiatives, and opportunities for alumni to contribute as mentors and to stay connected to the Programme;
  • Economic Growth, including work to bridge education and empowerment activities to economic empowerment through career counselling, on job training opportunities based on the students need, 3 months of paid internships at local businesses for Al Fakhoora graduates, and linkages with micro-finance and entrepreneurship activities.

These four areas provide a basic component structure for the Programme. However, in addition to these core areas of intervention, Dynamic Futures also works in a variety of other areas, implementing a broad range of activities.

Objective of this assignment:

The ability to use a computer effectively is now an essential life skill. Digital skills enable students to understand and use technology to improve their personal and professional lives. Being digitally literate is important; not just so that students will be able to function in the academic world, but also to be better prepared for life and enhance employability.

Al Fakhoora Advanced Seminar on Computer Skills is part of student affairs component. The program provides this training for 200 DFII students with the aim to maximize student’s potentials’ during and after the academic life. Al Fakhoora Program shall provide training for all students. This seminar aims to help students to become fully competent in the use of a computer and common applications. It is expected that the Advanced Seminar on Computer Skills enable students to:

  1. Increase student’s ability to communicate and access information and services in more efficient way;
  2. Increase student’s overall efficiency and productivity; 
  3. Increase student’s ability to produce professional quality documents and presentations;
  4. Increase student’s confidence and enhance communication;
  5. Make students more attractive to employers and promote students’ integration into the labor market;
  6. Acquired skills facilitate lifelong learning.

Within this context, SYFS is looking for a qualified Trainers to deliver Al Fakhoora Advanced Seminar on Computer Skills to the second phase of Dynamic Futures Programme’s (DFII) Scholars. The main objective of the trainer is to design and implement a training content of 6 hours training for each seminar (topic). 

Scope of work:

The trainer is expected to design and implement the training between August 16th and 30th December, 2020. The scope of work of the consultant is; 

  • To give in details the module contents and the topics to be covered in the training. 
  • To share initial draft of the material with Programme Management Unit (PMU) to seek feedback and approval before implementation.
  •  The material should be reviewed and agreed upon by PMU before implementation.

The program of this capacity building activity consists of 64 seminars, six training hours for each seminar distributed as follow: 

  1. Mobile (iOS and Android) apps for more productivity (ToDoist, CloudApp, Calendar, Hootsuite, Toggl, LastPass, Zapier, Pocket, IFTT, Evernote. etc)
  2. Social Media & Email Security and Privacy (1Password App, two-factor authentication. etc)
  3. Basic maintenance and security for your PC
  4. Microsoft Power BI basics
  5. Personal financial basics and track expenses over mobile apps
  6. Introduction of Microsoft Visio
  7. Using Microsoft Teamwork
  8. Online important services (Dropbox, Flipboard, Lumosity, Goodle Keep, Google Docs, Google Photos, Flickr)
  9. Advanced Excel
  10. Advanced PowerPoint
  11. Using Microsoft OneNote
  12. Data Analysis and Visualization with Advanced Excel

It is expected that the training for the above-mentioned training topics to follow the Advanced training curriculums. 


Who we are looking for?

  • The consultant should have proven experience in implementing at least 5 similar assignments during the last 3 years.
  • The consultant should have the following expertise and team of experts in order to be able to pass the technical evaluation and implement the assignment.
  • The consultant can apply for One topic or more.
  • The consultant should select the courses that they can deliver., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements


Education and Qualifications 

At least university degrees in IT or Computer, Engineering or other equivalents years of experience in the field.


  • Qualifications in advanced computer skills. Preferably certified ICDL trainer. 
  • At least 3 years of experience in teaching computer skills.
  • Minimum of three-years experience in designing training and courses content/curriculum
  • Familiarity with the difficulties of participants learning.

Required Competencies

Team work, professionalism in management, work under pressure, meet deadlines, communication and accountability

In addition to the aforementioned core expertise, the Consultant shall possess enough administrative, logistical, and financial management capacity by ensuring the availability of an administrative and financial support team.

Responsibilities of SYFS:

  • The SYFS will make available to the Consultant list of students, their contact details, which are necessary for the proper and timely execution.
  • SYFS will be responsible for providing the trainings venue and providing all required logistics for the training as well.
  • SYFS will be responsible for coordinating trainings with the Consultant, processing payments, and for acceptance of the deliverables.
  • SYFS will work with more than one consultant, each based on his/her area of expertise.


In addition to the deliverables described above, the Consultant shall provide the following reports for the two phases separately to SYFS

Training plan

  • Detailed plan of the training content explaining the topics and following the agreed design template with PMU
  •  Pre and Post-tests

Prior the training 

Progress reports

  • Professional progress reports together with all other required documents at the end of each group finalizing the seminar.

At the completion of each  seminar

Job Details
Job Title Consultant: Advanced Seminar on Computer Skills
Deadline 30 - Jul - 2020
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions


Technical Proposals that Include; 

  • CV 
  • Brief description of the expected curriculum (how you imagine the training content and flow, and how the participants can actualize the training, etc.)

All required documents should be submitted by July 30, 2020 @ 12:00 pm. via email to [email protected]. Please note that the maximum size of the documents should not exceed 10MB otherwise please upload and share a link of them.

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