Consultant: Developing a Strategic Plan/fundraising plan

Job Description


Terms of Reference
Developing a Strategic Plan/fundraising plan

Elamona/ Media Researches and Development

Elamona for Media Research and Development is a Palestinian independent and non-profit organization; Elamona promotes civic development, and increases awareness among civil society institutions on effective ways of networking with the private sector, international donors, and governmental offices.
It conducts studies and surveys in the field, and serves the needs of the local media while shifting into the digital age, and embracing innovative trends and practices in the industry with the assistance of an experienced team of local and international media experts, by offering e-learning programs and mid-career training, and facilitates the entry of new graduates into professional practice of journalism through its e-learning college (Tamkeen Academy).
Elamona is currently implementing a ten-month project that aims to increased youth participation in public discourse and decision-making processes ensuring a democratic dialogue between the government, the community and the citizens of the future Palestinian state. The project is part of the Civic Participation Project (CPP), funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS).
Elamona, within this project phase, wishes to develop a strategic plan and fundraising plan in order to be systematically used for all its development work, which in turn enhances the organization's own sustainability and continuing Elamona’s institutional capacity in order to do so, Elamona is seeking a highly-qualified consultant to work with its team and provide consultancy services, facilitation, and supervision to produce a 3-year strategic plan that serves as a road map and a source of reference and inspiration


The Development of the Strategy Plan and fundraising plan is an essential tool for Elamona to increase the capacity of achieving its goals within a clear vision.
There are a number of objectives for developing the required Strategic Plan for Elamona:
1-To explore and initiate resource mobilization activities at a local level for long-term organizational sustainability at Elamona.
2-To enable Elamona to achieve its strategic goals, in terms of increasing the capacity of the organization to fulfill the mission.
3-To guide Elamona through raising money from different funders and donors.

The consultant is expected to:

1-Draft Strategic plan that includes
1.1 strategic plan overview
1.2 Values
1.3 Target group
1.4 Areas
2-Vision/Mission/Objectives analysis.
3-External and internal environment analysis.
4-Staff development plan
5-Operational plan for the 3 years including the budget.

The consultant is expected to utilize various tools and methods during the process of strategic planning, including focus groups, workshops, analytic tools, brainstorming, but-why technique, nominal group technique, and needs assessment.
2-Draft fundraising plan should includes:-
1.1-Identify fundraising principles and strategic
1.2-Identify sectors of the fundraising…i.e. international donors, private sector, individuals and income generating projects.
1.3-Identify fundraising tools and activities
1.4-Implementation plan and budget 
1.5-Identify donor list and grant list
1.6-Guidelines in proposal writing and reporting

C-Qualifications & Experience:

The potential candidate must possess the following:
-Master at least– preferably Planning or Management or related field; or professional expertise in strategic planning processes.
-Minimum of 5 years of experience in strategic planning, fundraising, organizational consulting, performance monitoring, or performance improvement, especially in helping institutions clarify mission and strategic direction;
-Excellent facilitation and interpersonal skills;
-High proficiency in both oral English Languages.
-Proven track of successful Development
-Knowledge of project cycle management.
-Familiarity with sources of developing for projects in Palestine.

To be mutually agreed upon, but should not exceed 45 days.

-Final draft of a 2013 – 2015 Strategic Plan, Hard copy and Soft copy of the final draft of the strategic plan and fundraising plan for Elamona in English languages.
-One day orientation for Elamona staff to present the final strategic and fundraising plan

C-Terms of Payment
Applicants are expected to submit a price quote to accompany their proposal documents. Upon review & evaluation of the proposals, the best technical proposal with the lowest price offer will be selected.  Payments only at the accomplishing of the forth mentioned tasks

D-Special Conditions

1-To submit the CV and full proposal (Technical and Financial) should be to the attention of Elamona for Media Research & Development Director Bassem Roomie
2-Consultant should adhere to the USAID terms and conditions and should sign on the related Mandatory Clauses in the contractual period.
3-To submit zero VAT invoice to the attention of Elamona for Media Research & Development.
4-Applicants should have the ability to issue VAT exemption certificate and Deduction at source certificate ((شهادة خصم مصدر.
5-For individuals who cannot fulfill what is needed in the last two conditions(#3 and #4 conditions), they should submit payment request and  Elamona will deduct the value of the income Tax 5% from the payment request and pay it directly to the Palestinian VAT department.
6-Commitment to provide the institution with financial claim on behalf of the institution Elamona for Media Research and Development - Youth for Positive Change project- USAID/CPP.

Ps. It is recognized that the accomplishment of the work may involve the consultant’s review and/or use of third party sources.  As such, the consultant at all times shall ensure the work product includes complete and accurate referencing and citations, in accordance with standards generally enforced in academia, and that any work produced does not misappropriate or infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.  The consultant bears sole responsibility for any consequences arising from claims of plagiarism or the infringement of intellectual property rights.

Please submit the required documents (CV & and two reference and workplan) no later than 4pm on 28 Feb 2013, by hand in a sealed envelope at the following address (Elamona for Media Researches and Development, Ramallah, Grand Park Str., front of Al-Quds Bank, Hani Ramadan building 1st floor, Tel: 02-2985150). Email: [email protected].

Good luck, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Consultant: Developing a Strategic Plan/fundraising plan
Deadline 28 - Feb - 2013
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: