Consultant:Economic recovery in the Gaza Strip:
Job Description
OXFAM GB – CONSULTANT – Economic recovery in the Gaza Strip: promoting choice, resilience and dignity
Oxfam Great Britain is leading on the implementation of a 3-year project funded by the Danish government development agency DANIDA, titled Economic recovery in the Gaza Strip: promoting choice, resilience and dignity
This project is focussing on developing the market systems for the dairy, fresh vegetable and ICT sectors in order to contribute to economic recovery and socio-economic empowerment of youth, small scale producers, processors and ICT businesses in the Gaza Strip.
Further details can be found in the TOR for the consultancy.
Oxfam Great Britain is looking for a team of external consultants/consultancy firm to conduct a baseline survey and an end line survey that will provide data to measure project indicators against project objectives and results.
The consultant is expected to have several years experience working on baseline and end line surveys in the international development sector, preferably on food security and livelihoods. Experience in conducting field research with Palestinian communities will be considered an advantage. Exceptional written skills are essential and demonstrable through the submission of example written reports. This along with a high level of analytical skills and ability to consolidate findings, clearly present recommendations and ways to move forward (for both qualitative and quantitative data).
Firms or individuals interested in applying to this assignment should present an offer with a comprehensive detailed action plan and budget to include: daily fees and expenses.
Please apply by visiting our website and quote ref: INT5777 no later than 18.10.2012., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title
Consultant:Economic recovery in the Gaza Strip:
18 - Oct - 2012
Gaza Strip
Job Type
Contract and Consultation
Position Level
Mid Career
Bachelor's degree
No Experience
Application Instructions
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