Consultant Expert in business Rural &Agriculture development

1.1 Palestine Trade CENTER (PalTrade)
PalTrade was established in 1998, as a non-profit development organization, which was mandated as the Palestinian National Trade Promotion Organization. Recently, PalTrade has evolved into an export development organization with a mission to lead the development and sustainable increase of Palestinian exports as a driving force for sustainable national economic growth; and has been instrumental in leading the way to establish a National Export Strategy. PalTrade provides a wide range of support in the areas of export development and market intelligence, export promotion, and export policy and advocacy.
PalTrade, PSC and PFI are partnering to implement the project titled “Creating a Competitive Edge of the Palestinian MSMEs in the Local and Potential Export Markets” in West Bank and Gaza. The Project aims to increase the capacity of MSMEs by targeting selected priority sectors/products to increase their market share locally and internationally and will focus on improving the competitiveness of a selected number of companies.
Beneficiary’s Background:
Al’Ard Palestinian Agri-Products Ltd is a member of Anabtawi Group of companies. It is an innovative and dynamic rapidly growing company founded on the principles of social investment in Palestine. Al’ard was established in 2008 to enter the international market by sourcing, packing and exporting premium high quality Palestinian agricultural products, the backbone of which is Olive Oil. We work, support and incentivize Palestinian farmers and cooperatives to produce high quality products that can succeed in the international market. Our products have reached the markets of USA, Canada, Europe, Malaysia, Japan, the Gulf countries and many more, Al’ard has a strategy in place to expand into further markets.
Al’ard is in the midst of taking a new approach in its way of doing business, Al’ard wants to develop a new strategy and transform the company towards a more organic, green and ethical fair approach.
Al’Ard is seeking to hire a local consultant expert in business development; in term of rural and agriculture development as this will be the major factor in order to market and target to the ethical based markets; specifically in the fair trade and organic fields.
The purpose of this is to increase the competitiveness of the beneficiary in the international market, targeting the Far East, EU and US markets. The identification of the markets was based on the Market Attractiveness Index analysis, and the selection of the program activities was discussed with and agreed upon by the beneficiary. It’s expected that by implementing the below activities, the company will increase its export and will increase its market share in the target markets.
Al’Ard Company is planning to put more emphasis on marketing its products in the ethical and social targeted markets. The company has some experience in working on developing a fair trade and organic products but needs more support to come up with a solid strategy to develop and meet the ethical market requirements and to better market these products effectively.
To that end, Al’Ard is seeking to hire a local consultant expert in business development; in term of rural and agriculture development as this will be the major factor in order to market and target to the ethical based markets; specifically in the fair trade and organic fields for Freekeh , Zaatar , and Olive oil ., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Evaluating the product’s Development supply chain
- Developing a strategic plan to develop and market Al’ard products in the ethical targeted markets
- Develop an action plan with evaluation’s recommendations and goals on how to apply the new strategy
- Monitor the implementation of the evaluation’s recommendations
- Supervising and leading the build and development of the supply chain to better meet the demands of ethical based markets
- Network the company with market representatives and organization who are capable to identify potential buyers interested in Al’Ard products.
- Develop a target list of representatives, events, platforms and expos related to the target markets where Al’ard can network and connect with potential clients
- Supply chain evaluation report for the company’s ethical based products
- Strategy plan towards developing and marketing company’s ethical based products including action plan recommendations.
- A target list of representatives, events, platforms and expos related to the target markets where Al’ard can network and connect with potential clients
The level of effort for this assignment will be up to 9 months. The commencement date of this assignment is expected to be October 15, 2018.
All deliverables should be submitted to Ms. Subhi Anabtawi at [email protected] and copying Mohammad Taweel at [email protected]
TERMS and Conditions
Interested consultants are requested to adhere to the following terms and conditions:
- Technical and financial offers should be received by hand two sealed separated envelopes one for the technical including the RFP documents signed and stamped and on for the financial offer and both titled with RFP # PTC-SSA-097-09-2018 before 02:00 PM Palestine time on Sunday 7/10/2018 to PalTrade office in Ramallah- Bireh- Wataniyya tower building, 5th floor.
- Prices should be submitted in US dollars including VAT
- The financial offer should include the total price breakdown for each deliverable
- Payments are subject to the Palestinian taxation law.
- PalTrade will cover the payments based on the deliverables and time frame for the assignment, and only if the deliverable has been approved by the beneficiary and the project manager .
- PalTrade will award the assignments to the consultant who technical offer will be most responsive to requests technical requirement; the final evaluation will be based on both technical and financial criteria as the below table.
- Passing scores for both technical and finical is 70/100
- For more inquiries contact us in written email at [email protected] and by replying to the invitation email you will receive from this email, no inquiries will be taken over the phone. Deadline for receiving inquires is Sunday 30/9/2018, at 12:00 PM Palestine time.
- PalTrade has the right to cancel or reissue the RFP for unforeseen circumstances.