Job Description

Project: Creating a business enabling environment for
A green economy in Palestine
NEAR/TS -2016/381-805
National Consultant: Capacity-building workshop for journalists in Green Economy
RFQ # PTC-074- 2017 Introduction



Project: Creating a business enabling environment for
A green economy in Palestine
NEAR/TS -2016/381-805
National Consultant: Capacity-building workshop for journalists in Green Economy
RFQ # PTC-074- 2017 Introduction

PalTrade was established in 1998 as a non-profit, membership based organization to “lead the development of Palestinian export as a driving force for sustainable national economic growth”. Over the last 18 years PalTrade, as the mandated National Export Development and Promotion Organization has worked with Palestinian exporters, the wider export support and national partner network, international donor agencies and the international export support network, to deliver a positive impact on Palestinian export performance. In addition, PalTrade’s role as the Secretariat of the Palestinian Export Council (PEC) which aims to facilitate public / private partnership in the elaboration, coordination and monitoring of the Palestinian National Export Strategy ( NES ) in a manner that best enhances exports and international competitiveness have provided a unique opportunity for moving the export development agenda significantly to the forefront.

PalTrade has received a grant from the EU to implement a project titled “Creating a Business Enabling Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine” as part of European Union (EU), represented by the European Commission (EC), Support to Civil Society Organizations in Palestine – Economic Development and Local Authorities.

Background :

Guiding the Palestinian economy towards the newly emerging vision of green economy while building on previous efforts by state institutions, the Palestine Trade Center (PalTrade) is implementing an EU funded project titled “Creating a Business Enabling Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine”. PalTrade envisions a world characterized by free trade, enterprises interested in exporting must improve the quality of their products while also lowering their production costs. In 2014 PalTrade, in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy (MoNE), with technical assistance from the International Trade Centre (ITC) and with funding from the EU, under the Trade Diversification/Competitiveness Enhancement Programme, produced the first State of Palestine National Export Strategy (NES) 2014-2018, which aims at boosting and diversifying Palestinian exports1. Achieving the goal of export development and promotion implies exploring the demand of the regional and international markets in addition to the development of Palestinian products to improve their competitiveness globally. PalTrade

underwent an assessment by the UN Development Programme (UNDP)/Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP) titled “Opportunities and Constraints of Green Economy and Environmental Mainstreaming in the Palestinian Strategy for Export Development and Promotion”, which concluded with concrete recommendations for actions needed at both the national and the enterprise levels2. The results from this assessment fed directly into the formulation of “PalTrade Strategic Plan 2014-2018”3. Concretely, PalTrade’s strategy for the current period states, “PalTrade has an obligation to ensure that it makes its clients aware of the need to adopt good environmental practices. Three ways to ensure that the export drive is sustainable are:

1. Ensures that manufacturing practices do not degrade the environment and protect the steady flow of high quality inputs and outputs.
2. Guarantees that the quality of Palestinian export products meet or exceed the standards set by other trading nations or international standards bodies.
3. Opens up possibilities for developing completely new businesses in environmental services to respond to growing worldwide demand for environmental services and technologies.”
4. Green transformation will rely greatly on the role of the media to enable well-informed policy choices. For this, we will build the capacity of media professionals to report on issues related to green economy and sustainable development in a specialized media manner, and to raise public awareness. Well-informed and professional media form an essential platform for debate, and knowledge-sharing; create awareness about issues and shape public policy and opinion in favour of sustainable, green societies and economies
To that extent, PalTrade is seeking candidates or firms in green economy / Media Expert to implement two days awareness for local journalist in green economy concept and its importance for the Palestinian economy.

Purpose of the training:

Journalists at the national level may not be fully aware of the Green Economy, Journalists will be able to improve their knowledge and capacity to report effectively about green economy issues. . The workshop program allowing journalists at the national level to deepen their understanding of green economy issues that will be discussed during project period. It is also for building journalists’ professional skills and knowledge of quality journalism standards in the field of green economy and policy reporting. Participants to the training are expected to cover the workshops, training sessions, conference, about green economy during project implementation period. As representative of the main media agencies working on Palestine.

Learning objectives:

The workshop will aim to accomplish the following key learning objectives, among others:

- Deeper understanding of key environmental challenges and issues in the Palestine.
- Good knowledge of the green economy system, with focusing on world wide experience.
- Good understanding of green economy reports and their key messages.
- Useful knowledge and improved skills for covering project event like the Conference, including improved orientation in the Conference program, its structure of events, processes, participants and outcomes.
- Journalists able to recognize, consult and use sources; analyses the many aspects of environmental issues; write a news article; write an investigative report for the press, the web, the radio or television.

Specific Objectives:

- To understand the current status, barriers, needs, gap, challenges, opportunities, lessons learned and key success factors for the scaling up of green products and services in Palestine for the export market
- To understand the concept of green economy
- To understand how to raise awareness on the green economy issues GENERAL Conditions
The Consultant must possess the following requirements and qualifications:
1. 5- 7 years’ experience in capacity building in environmental issues, green economy and sustainable development in general.
2. 5- 7 years’ Experience and knowledge in different industrial and services sectors in general Familiarity with Palestinian economy.
3. Wide knowledge in national environmental policies, development plans and strategies.

Specific task and scope of work

- The selected trainer shall develop and deliver a two day training program this will include the Following tasks:
- Prepare all related training materials for 2 days training.
- Implement the training
- Conduct Pre and post evaluation
- Prepare technical report includes recommendation
- Cooperate with other speakers who will take part in the training to discuss related subjects .

Participants’ profile

The training shall bring together journalists from the national media agencies, including approximately 20 participants. It is expected that the workshop’s participants will:

1- Be active journalists from national media agency
2- Be full time or freelance journalists, with demonstrated interest in the environment or economy.
3- Possess strong knowledge of journalism and journalistic skills;

Location and Duration

The training session is expected to take place for two training days, in the beginning of January 2018 .Firms and freelancer are encourage to participate. Application:
Candidates who possess all the above requirements are encouraged to submit the following:

- Letter of interest, explaining your capacities and if any suggestion for the training
- Updated CV;
- Financial offer include (level of effort for two days in Euro)

Applications should be submitted by email to:

[email protected]

will not be received any later than 25.12 .2017. 12:00 PM. For any questions please don’t hesitate to visit

Click here to download the project document., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Consultant / Media Training
Deadline 25 - Dec - 2017
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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