Job Description

Request for Consultant of Sustainability plan


(1- ) Context:

(PUHC) is a registered cooperative union at the Palestinian Ministry of Labour. The Union consists of a General Assembly which the highest decision-making body, that is made up from more than 50 housing cooperatives. These 50 cooperatives represent 2638 males and 872 females. PUHC’s vision is to be an active and empowered cooperative union, contributing to the growth and development of a competitive Palestinian housing sector that fulfils the needs of the sector stakeholders and contributes to sustainable development. 

The Palestinian Union of Housing Cooperative (PUHC) is Enhancing Framework of Cooperation among Housing Cooperatives in Palestine in partnership with the Swedish Organization, We Effect.

(2- ) Scope and focus of the assignment:

The PUHC is seeking the services of a consultant to deliver a Sustainability Plan for the Palestinian Union of Housing Cooperatives which will serve the PUHC organization to empower itself to continue, sustain, complete its work and progress depending on itself and its projects which will provide it with the income to be sustainable, the PUHC must secure sufficient, stable and multi-year unrestricted funding. The PUHC plans to develop a sustainability strategy/plan to support and underpin the outreach activities, to further strengthen the PUHC itself and the relationship with new donors and to identify new and innovative funding streams. It will be the objective of the plan to further strengthen the effective engagement with the PUHC different stakeholders as well as a broad range of non-governmental funding sources, to demonstrate the success achieved so far, and to ensure that donors and recipients understand, request, and support - politically and financially - the PUHC work. The strategy takes a forward view of long term. . The objective of the plan will be to (1) to empower the PUHC organization and to make it able to depend on itself (2) to develop new non-traditional partners and deepen existing relations with donors; (3) to diversify and deepen existing relationships with both governmental and non-governmental donors (including foundations); (3) to engage, develop, and strengthen relations with partners and private-sector companies to leverage financial and non-financial support; (4) to consider alternative sources of income such as training courses, projects,...etc. (5) to provide the coops with the needed consultations.

(3- ) Key tasks and deliverables:

With guidance and supervision from the PUHC board and staff, the consultant shall draft an outline and table of contents for the plan, and take the lead on developing the strategy/plan. The consultant will have the opportunity to meet the PUHC team, board and coops to get acquainted with the work of the PUHC and discuss ideas to be outlined in the strategy.

The consultant will complete the following tasks within the following timeline:

1- Meet the PUHC Board, staff, coops and donor to recognize the PUHC nature of work, and to help the consultant to set the guidelines of the sustainability plan depending on the meetings and visits.

2- Based upon information gathered and provided by the different parties above, draft an outline and table of contents of the sustainability plan and provide the PUHC with the suitable projects to invest in for the best income.

3- The outline and table of contents should be shared with the PUHC Boardm we effect organization and staff and Outreach for review and comments; and the consultant will incorporate revisions related to content and/or language and finalize the text so to be available by 18-6-2019

4- The PUHC will present the outline and table of contents to the Board and our donor, and will inform the consultant about feedback and additional guidance to be taken into consideration in drafting the full-fledged strategy/plan.

5- Based upon the feedback, as well as desk-research, draft the sustainability strategy, a document including graphs/illustrations and share the draft with the PUHC staff, Boardm we effect organization, and Outreach for feedback.

6- After the draft text is reviewed the consultant will incorporate revisions related to content and/or language

7- Output: a finalized and proof-read sustainability plan in both language English and Arabic will be ready for graphic design and publication by no later than 13-8-2019

8- Where possible during the course of the research, collect various sources of contacts that may be good candidates for partnering as a donor, both in-kind and direct to the core funding of the PUHC.

(4-) Relationships and Responsibilities:

The consultant will plan, coordinate, work and consult with PUHC Board and staff throughout the assignment period. It is expected from the consultant to prepare and submit a work plan for the time of the assignment including all tasks for review and approval by PUHC Board and staff.

(5-) Duration and Timeframe

  1. The terms and conditions of the contract shall apply for the duration of the contract from the date of it is signed. The conclusion of the contract will be 30 days after signing the contract. The work timeline may be changed by PUHC at its discretion.
  2. The final product of the consultancy contract should be delivered according to the following schedule, inclusive of desk research and 20 visits and meeting to the PUHC staff, board and coops no later than 13-8-2019
  3. Draft outline and table of contents for review maximum 1 week after the visits/meetings;
  4. Draft sustainability plan ready for review by 4-8-2019

(6- ) Documents

  1. Technical Proposal


  1. Explaining why they are the most suitable consultant to perform the work and deliver the required outputs
  2. Providing a brief methodology showing how they will approach and conduct the work
  3. CVs– this should highlight any past experience with similar projects/assignments and details of at least 2 referees who can be asked to provide references.
  4. Sample of previous work in similar work of Sustainability Plans
  5. Technical proposal to conduct the plan, based on these ToR.


  1. Financial Proposal

A financial proposal should be submitted separately and should include all administrative costs including overheads, printing, posting, copying, presentation, phone calls, technical visits and meetings, transportation and all the related expenses of the plan including taxes and any advertising, posting costs and should be included in the contract ., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

(7- ) Consultant profile – skills and competencies required:

- Advanced degree in International Relations, cooperatives,  Public or Business Administration, Development Studies, Marketing or Communications, Political Sciences or related field;

- Eight years of progressively responsible professional experience in government, international organizations or research organizations operating in the field of cooperative science, political science, international relations, business administration, international law or other related field;

- Thorough knowledge of co-operation  and cooperatives issues;

- Knowledge of fundraising and resource mobilization and experience of successfully raising funds from diverse sources;

- Experience in writing promotional materials and fundraising proposals and in communicating and building relations in cooperative environments;

- Excellent writing skills in both Arabic and English;

- Strong conceptual thinking and analytical skills;

- Successful proven organizational and prioritization skills;

- Efficient in observing deadlines and achieving results.

(8-) Evaluation

Criteria Max. Point

(1) PUHC is not committed to the lowest priced bid or to make public the reasons for its selection.

(2) Prices should be made in ILS currency including tax.

(3) The offer must be valid for 15 days

(4) Payment will be made in 14 days as of the date of submission of a payment request

(5) The consultant firms invited to this Request for Proposal are hereby informed that no relationship can exist between the firm and PUHC administrative department except based on a formal written contract. This document constitutes only a solicitation of interest in and proposal for providing the Sustainability plan to PUHC and shall not be interpreted as an offer by PUHC to enter into a retainer agreement for such the sustainability plan. Your response will be treated as an offer to provide such a sustainability plan and not an acceptance of any offer made by PUHC.

(6) This Request for Proposal is based on the understanding that the review of and response to this Request for Proposal by the Consultant will not entail any cost or obligation for PUHC.

(9-) Ethical Principles

The Consultant is required to respect the following Ethical Principles:

1- Comprehensive and systematic inquiry: the consultant should make the most of the existing information and the full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. He/ she should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries and communicate his or her methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow others to understand, interpret and critique the work. The consultancy team should make clear the limitations of the review and its results.

2- Competence: consultancy team should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of his or her professional training and competence.

3- Honesty and integrity: Consultant should be transparent with the contractor about: any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan and the reasons why those changes were made, any risk that certain procedures or activities might produce misleading review information.

4- Respect for people: Consultant must respect the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents, program participants. The consultancy team has the responsibility to be sensitive to and respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender, disability, age and ethnicity.

Job Details
Job Title Sustainability Plan Consultant
Deadline 25 - May - 2019
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Excutive/Director
Salary N/A
Degree Master's degree
Experience 8 Years
Application Instructions

(10 -) Submission of Proposal:

Eligible Consultant(s) should submit technical proposal. It should be in electronic and hard copy formats. Proposals should also include inter alia:

1) Statement of relevant experience i.e. similar assignments executed in/under execution in the last 8 years;

2) Measurable goals and objectives and methodology;

3) Indication of availability to carry out the Consultancy during the period DATE

4) Supporting documents such as CVs are to be attached as appendix

5) Financial proposal.

Proposals should be delivered in sealed envelope by hand not later than 25-5-2019 on Saturday until 1:00 pm to the address below:

Al-Buraq Building, 2nd Floor
Ministry of Interior (Passports Department) St.
And you can call us at 
Tel: 02-2421429 

Jawwal: 0598235897

And sent by email to the following email address:  [email protected]

The subject line should be filled with “PUHC Sustainability Plan”

We thank all applicants in advance. However only shortlisted candidates will be contacted regarding further action.

We are not bound to accept any proposal that we receive.

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