Consultant / Project Final Evaluation
Quotation No. 79.2017
Consultancy Service to Conduct Final Evaluation of the Project:
“Recovering Wellbeing of Gaza Children”
IRPAL is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant, within the following conditions:
Duration: During December 2017 and January 2018
Qualifications and Skills Requirements:
The consultant should have the following qualifications and experience:
- This call for consultancy is ONLY opened for Individual Consultants.
- An advanced degree preferable in psychology or any other related field.
- At least 10 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative, and participatory); planning, design and implementation of M&E systems; and report writing.
- Experience in evaluating psychosocial and protection interventions including experience with different donors.
- Competent in English language (The final report of the assignment shall be written in English).
Application Procedure:
- Interested consultants are invited to download the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) that include a detailed description of the Task.
- Interested consultants are requested to submit their technical proposal and financial offers, each in a separate sealed envelope to IRPAL-Gaza office. No financial information shall be contained in the technical proposal envelope, that’s by 3 December 2017 (01:30 pm at the latest) to IRPAL Gaza office –Gaza City Al-Dawli 2 building 26A Medhat Al-Wahidi st.
- Following submission, IRPAL may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning quotations in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.
- For any issues relating to the quotation or its contents please email directly to [email protected]
- Any Proposal received after the due date will be rejected., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.