Consultant to conduct fundraising training for partners

Job Description

Consultancy to Conduct Fundraising Training for partners
Training duration: 16 - 18 September 2019
Training location: Palestine, Ramallah

Background: IM Swedish Development Partner (IM) is a Swedish development organisation fighting poverty and exclusion operating in five regions worldwide. The organisation was founded in 1938 to defend human dignity, as a reaction to the fascist ideologies, hatred and violence that spread in Europe at the time. IM promotes the development of a strong and democratic civil society by collaborating with local partner organisations. IM has been working in the Middle East since the late 1960s in the area of intellectual disability. At present, IM Middle East works with partners in Palestine in the areas of inclusion of children with disabilities and women’s rights in the thematic areas of economic empowerment, health – SRHR, education and strengthening civil society. Moreover, IM Palestine has currently started the actual implementation of its 5-year strategy working in partnership with local Palestinian partners targeting young women and men on the following directions: Social Inclusion, Economic Inclusion, Ensured Civic Space and Strong Civil Society while mainstreaming Gender, Environment and Conflict Sensitivity.

Purpose: The aim of the training is to equip IM’s Palestinian partners with fundraising skills, tools and strategies which will contribute to their respective organization’s financial sustainability., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Course objectives:

- Guide partners through the process of identifying and responding to calls, and to understand donor’s guidelines.
- Introducing partners to effective proposal writing skills. Equip them with knowledge and skills regarding needs assessment, problem statement, problem justification, project design and project budgeting.
- Guide partners to develop a fundraising strategy and plan.
- Diversify partners sources of funding to improve their financial sustainability.
- Assessing and managing critical financial risks.
- Help partners to establish an effective collaboration between programme and finance.
- Help partners to liaise with donors/funders (visit/communicate with prospective donors/funders internationally, nationally and locally to present partners’ concept or proposals) and identify and follow up with different funding opportunities.


- Training agenda
- Methodology
- Report
- Individual follow-up sessions
- Developed fundraising strategy/plan for each partner

Job Details
Job Title Consultant to conduct fundraising training for partners
Deadline 20 - Aug - 2019
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Senior Excutive/CEO
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 10 Years
Application Instructions

If interested, please send Cover Letter, CV, methodology and financial proposal (day rate) by 20 August 2019 to [email protected] Please write “IM _Palestine Your Name” in the subject line.

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