Consultant to Develop Digital platform -Phase One

Job Description

GENERAL Background

Persons with disabilities are among the most marginalized and disadvantaged social segments in the world, where they are socially isolated and deprived of the active participation in their communities.  Most of PWDs are denied their basic rights; employment; freedom of movement; voting; participating in sports and cultural activities; enjoying social protection; accessing justice; choosing medical treatment; and entering freely into legal commitments. Impediments may include, but are not limited to, the lack of awareness about disability needs and disability rights to education, employment, and legal representation, both among the disabled persons themselves and among their caretakers and the general public. In Palestine, many (PWDs) are denied their basic economic, social, and cultural rights by default; they are frequently severely marginalized and commonly live-in extreme poverty, a situation that creates a fertile environment for abuse, ill treatment, and violations, and renders PWDs extremely vulnerable. According to the latest survey conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) in 2017, PWDs constitute 5% of the Palestinian population. There is a general lack of specialized health-care services, financial resources, sufficient and/or accurate data on disability, and efficient and effective policies and legislations to protect them.

Moreover, family life in Palestine continues to be influenced, by a centuries-old patriarchal kinship system. A system that is institutionalized in law and organizational procedures, and social attitudes which all increase women marginalization and vulnerability. Up to now, Palestinian women still face many challenges in the field of gender equality, where they face challenges resulting from discriminatory laws, regulations, and policies in force, including a lack of effective representation in the state and non-state structure and fragile participation to the process of the state building following the semi- disconnection from the occupation. In such male-dominated societies, women and girls with disabilities (WGWDs) face double discrimination based on gender and disability where men with disabilities and non-disabled women have a greater chance to be educated, protected, employed or even socialize. 

Stars of Hope Society:

The Stars of Hope Society for the empowerment of women with disabilities (SHS) is the only organization in Palestine that has been established in response to the high levels of discrimination against women and girls with disabilities (WGWDs)combined with the lack of relevant organizations. SHS was found in 2007 to address the needs of women and girls with disabilities and to abolish disability and gender discrimination; and empowering WWD to achieve equality; access to integration; and claiming their rights through implementing and rights-based development programs and projects; and advocating for the implementing, monitoring and evaluating laws, by-laws and policies

Project background

SHS is currently implementing “Masarouna” project that aims to empower women with disabilities, and to mobilize young people, aged between 18 and 35, for collective action in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to support Their struggle for greater access to and respect for their sexual and reproductive rights, through innovative pathways to change, and support their work to achieve this goal. The project intends to enhance youth participation in civil society in order to influence decision makers and society, to address legislation and negative traditions and norms that affect sexual and reproductive health; as well as to strengthen the role of civil society and form new partnerships and alliances to lobby and advocate for the sexual and reproductive rights of youth.


Purpose and objective:

This digital platform aims at creating an innovative, sustainable and accessible source of information and a safe space for PWDs in order for them to share information and knowledge through disseminating/ creating contents that are related to the rights and issues of PWDs. The platform is an interactive hub that will focus mainly on raising the awareness of YPWDs, and amplifying their voices to reach more people and decision makers. The creation of the platform will be conducted over two phases, the first phase will consist of a mapping and a needs assessment, and will be detailed in this ToR. Based on the findings of the first phase, and during the second phase SHS will develop/create a responsive adaptive digital platform that will fill the gaps of the existing platforms to provide PWDs with the needed access and information. The second phase will be detailed in a different ToR at a later stage.

The platform shall host different activities that are planned and run by YPWDs, like peer-to-peer sessions, discussions with decision makers, awareness workshops, film screening and discussions on SRHR and GBV related issues.

The importance of this platform is also that it will be an accessible safe space for YPWDs to implement advocacy and accountability activities to create pressure on decision makers who are able to create and enforce change through approving/editing policies and regulations related to SRHR and GBV.

The general objective of the assignment is to conduct a mapping of existing digital platforms – a competitor mapping- that provide knowledge and information regarding human rights, SRHR, GBV and/or disability in order to identify the target groups, needs, priorities, assets and perspectives of all stakeholders.

Description of tasks:

This assignment shall consist of three main elements as follows:

A mapping/analysis of the available similar platforms/ applications to check the availability of accessible networks that provide information for people with disabilities on subjects relevant to rights and issues of people with disabilities, SRHR and GBV. If there are any platforms/ applications, the consultant shall analyze their reach, user segmentation, functionalities, etc. in order for SHS to be able to fill the gaps that those platforms are disregarding.

A digital media context analysis shall take place in order to examine how people with disabilities access and consume SRHR information and their digital habits, including websites they visit, time spent online, etc.[1].

A needs assessment for people with disabilities clarifying what is an ideal platform for them to use online for seeking information, sharing knowledge and experiences, awareness raising and accountability purposes. This element is crucial to the creation of the platform as the platform must be needs responsive to people with disabilities, especially vision and hearing impairments.

Upon finalizing the three mentioned elements, a validation process shall take place with different stake holders, including people with disabilities and organizations that work with people with disabilities and experts in disabilities, to discuss and come to an agreement if the platform is feasible, necessary, etc.

Expected deliverables:

Under this consultancy, SHS requires the service of a specialized professional or team of professional consultant/s to conduct the mapping and the needs assessment in close coordination with SHS team, the following deliverables are sought:

An inception report including a list of existing platforms, an outline and a methodology, and to be reviewed mapping and the needs assessment shall be submitted within one two weeks of the commencement of the consultancy work for SHS review and approval.

A draft report that includes results of the mapping and the needs assessment for SHS and partners revision and feedback after two months of approving the inception report.

A final report that includes modifications provided by SHS and partners within two weeks.

[1] SHS can share a template that includes more questions regarding this issue., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Time frame and duty station

The consultancy will be carried out over the months of May to August, 2022. This consultancy will be based both at West Bank and in Gaza strip.


 English for all deliverables

V.     Competencies

The assignment shall be conducted by a consultant/team of consultants who acknowledge SHS values,

  1. Core Values:
  • Respect for Diversity;    
  • Integrity;
  • Professionalism.
  1. Functional Competencies:
  • Good knowledge of Information Technology, Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion related issues;
  • Good understanding of to the issues of people with disabilities, particularly terms of communication accessibility particularly digital accessibility;
  • Ability to communicate sensitively, effectively and creatively across different constituencies;

VI.   Skills and Expertise


Team leader shall possess at least Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Information Technology, or any relevant field.


  • Previous proven experience in conducting similar assignments (mappings, needs assessments, etc.)
  • Good knowledge in developing platforms/ mobile applications designed for social impact and purposes.
  • Good knowledge and experience on disability inclusion related issues.
  • Knowledge in the service provision context for women with disabilities.
  • Experience in working directly with people with disabilities will be an asset.

Language Requirements:

  • Excellent communication and written skills in English and Arabic is required;
Job Details
Job Title Consultant to Develop Digital platform -Phase One
Deadline 22 - May - 2022
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary NA
Degree Master's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

V.     Quotations Submissions

Applicants must submit comprehensive technical proposal and financial offers either in Arabic or English as follow:

  1. Technical proposal: the technical proposal should clearly include the followings:
  • Consultants’ experience, educational background and technical skills in response to the TOR
  • Detailed methodology
  • Action plan indicating proposed level of effort per task.
  • Cvs of consultant/team members proposed.
  • Sample of previous similar work.
  1. Financial Proposal
  • A lumpsum financial offer in EURO shall be submitted to SHS, inclusive of any relevant taxes, transport costs, etc.
  1. Deadline:

 Quotations in response to this TOR must be received no later than May 22th, 2022- no later than 4:00 pm.

Please send your proposals to the following email address:

To: [email protected] and Cc to: [email protected] 

 Telfax: +972 2 2963454

VI.   Quotations Evaluation

The evaluation of proposals will be quality –cost based, where 70% of the evaluation criteria will be on the technical offer, and 30% on the financial offer.

Evaluation Criteria will be as follows Evaluation of technical proposals

The quality of each technical proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the award criteria and the associated weighting as follows:

  • Applicant’s education and qualifications (20%)
  • Applicant’s relevant experience for the assignment (20%)
  • Completeness and clarity of methodology and approaches (30%)

Note: in the case of firms and companies, the registration and the deduction at source certificates are required.

 “Stars of Hope Society” is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence”

Contact Person(s):

The expert will report directly to project leader or designated staff member. The expert will work closely with other team members/ partner organizations or designated staff members as needed. 

How to Apply:

Qualified candidates and teams are requested to submit a:

  1. cover letter
  2.  CV/s of the consultant/s or firm’s consultants.
  3. Financial offer, detailed budget proposal, including daily rate, taxes and any other expenses including transportation and refreshments for consultant and/or FGDs participants, etc.  
  4. A technical offer including workplan, timeline, key deliverables and number of days for work to be performed, brief description of methodology and impact of previous work, to [email protected] no later than May 15th, 2022.

Evaluation of technical proposals:

The quality of each technical proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the award criteria and the associated weighting as follows:

  • Applicant’s education and qualifications (20%)
  • Applicant’s relevant experience for the assignment (20%)
  • Completeness and clarity of methodology and approaches (30%)

Note: in the case of firms and companies, the registration and the deduction at source certificates are required.

 “Stars of Hope Society” is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence”

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