Contract for a Consultant Service (ppp)
The project of Technical Assistance in Solid Waste Management in Palestine is seeking for individual consultancy service in public-private partnership (PPP)
The Study on Public-Private Partnership Activities in Solid Waste Management in West Bank, Palestine:
In an effort to ensure long-term sustainable operation for the solid waste management conducted by Joint Service Councils (JSCs) in West Bank, Palestine, the Project for Technical Assistance in Solid Waste Management in Palestine organized by the Ministry of Local Government (Directorate of Joint Service Councils) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The project is including a component about public-private partnership (PPP) activities in solid waste management (SWM) in West Bank, Palestine. The Study is essentially a current situation survey on PPP in SWM sector in Palestine, but it will also include recommendations for the feasible options for PPP in SWM in Palestine under given conditions.
Basic information on present PPP practices in SWM at JSCs of West Bank area will be provided by the Project. According the preliminary questionnaire study, six JSCs (Salfeet, Hebron, Ramallah-Albereh8, Tulkarem, Jenin, and Hebron-Bethlehem Higher JSCs), in West Bank have PPP practice in solid waste management service. Based on the information, the consultant will interview public and private entities of the PPP practices in SWM and review the business model, contract agreement style, and investment mechanism applied. The consultant makes assessment of effectiveness to SWM, evaluation of service quality, and financial analysis. The consultant will summarize the result of study, and prepare a report with collected information and data.
For who are interested, please contact us on the following address for getting a copy of the ToR.
Email : [email protected] or Tel : 0592101179
kindly be informed that the deadline for submitting your C.V and the offer is 13th of July 2015, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.