Coordinator for Education program

Job Description

Vacancy Announcement: Coordinator for Education program at the Representative Office of Finland

The Representative Office of Finland in Ramallah has an open vacancy for a Coordinator to manage the education portfolio of Finland and support in the coordination of the education sector work as Finland assumes the responsibilities of the sector co-chair in January 2017.

Finland's development cooperation in Palestine is based on a Country Strategy which defines as the main areas of engagement the education sector and strengthening the resilience of Palestinians living in vulnerable areas (Area C, Gaza strip, East Jerusalem).

Finland supports the Palestinian Education Strategic Development Plan (EDSP) III through a Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA) together with Belgium, Germany, Ireland and Norway.
The education Coordinator works at the Representative Office Development Cooperation team and her/his work is supported by the Head of Cooperation. The Development Cooperation team works closely with the colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The Ambassador leads the work of the mission.

A successful applicant will have a relevant university degree (MA in pedagogy, social or political science or another relevant area) and previous working experience in the field of education and development in Palestine. Work experience in international organizations is an advantage. Excellent working knowledge of English is necessary and fluency in Arabic is considered as an advantage.
The Coordinator will need to be flexible, have the ability to work as part of a team, and have excellent communication skills. Willingness to learn and interest for education development are key approaches possessed by a successful candidate.

The principal duties of the Coordinator are:

-Manage the education portfolio of the Representative Office.
-Represent Finland and liaise in various interest groups and sector meetings.
-Assist the Head of Cooperation to successfully carry out Finland's duties related to the co-chairing of the education sector.
-Write reports and analyses.
-Other development cooperation portfolio related tasks if needed.
-Other tasks as deemed necessary by the Ambassador.

The vacancy is for a period of two years and the Coordinator is expected to assume duties from 16th of January 2017 or as according to a mutual agreement.

Further information is available from Ms. Karita Laisi or Mr. Jussi Tanskanen
Deadline for applications is 23.11.2016. A cover letter with a CV, including max. 2 references with contact information of previous employers and a salary proposal, all in English, should be submitted by e-mail to

[email protected], Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Coordinator for Education program
Deadline 23 - Nov - 2016
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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