Job Description

Job Objectives: 

Donor Data Coordinator supports the various platforms and systems related to donor management, CRM, and digital fundraising.  The goal of this position is to ensure that all donations are properly allocated and recorded into our system, address any errors or problems within and between the different platforms, and provide management accurately and up to date reports on properly allocated, restricted and unrestricted  funds coming into the organization, as well as helping to identify trends and algorithms from the CRM system to help management to better retain, manage and strategize fundraising efforts, as well as ensuring accurate information on donors for follow-up and transparent communication is required. 

Fundraising and Donation Systems and Platforms:

Detailed Tasks & Responsibilities

  • Setting up all fundraising systems: (Currently Neon, Paypal, Bluepay, Clover Go and any future systems);
  • Integration between various fundraising platforms;
  • Reevaluating the fundraising platforms in a timely manner;
  • Generating, designing and updating donors receipts for general donations and fundraising campaigns through Neon;
  • Evaluate system for organization’s needs and send the report to VPF with comparisons of other systems based on functionality and pricing. ;
  • Follow up all mapping and allocation of donations entered into the database; 
  • Monthly accurate real-time fundraising report submitted to management;  
  • Setting up fundraising campaigns and deactivate old campaigns from the system;
  • Create campaign and event settings for chapter events to ensure tax-deductions are accurate and connected to the correct program or project;
  • Creating tools for volunteers to report on their fundraising efforts back to the organization (creating templates and reports);
  • Reporting to the chapter coordinator concerning the tools implementation plans regarding volunteers (i.e. ensuring correct campaign, ensure systems set-up is correct according to accounting department);
  • Train stakeholders (staff and volunteers) on using fundraising systems according to approved policy;
  • Maintain all regular system backup;
  • Create and update fundraising system policies and procedures for review and approval;
  • Maintain fundraising system customization to match donors requests; 
  • Setting up pledges within the fundraising system;
  • Setting up, monitoring and following-up donor pledges for general donations, monthly sponsorship programs, and chapter events; 
  • Reconcile all fundraising systems in donor database;
  • Ensure all manual entry of donor data is accurate, up to date, no duplications, with monthly reporting to management; 
  • Troubleshoot and address any and all system errors of all platforms;
  • Monitor, address and report any and all declined and/or rejected donations in a timely manner;
  • Create a policy for approval and monitor to ensure proper follow-up with donor credit card expiration dates; 
  • Ensure that new system tools within the fundraising system are tested, properly functioning, and integrated into the system, as approved by management;.
  • Report payments from social media platforms into a fundraising database is accurate;
  • Ensure that all matching gifts are properly follow-up and recorded for fundraising system for follow-up with the donor;  
  • Setting up system KPIs for different individual users within the fundraising system;
  • Assist department on different tasks as needed;
  • Coordinating with the chapter coordinator to have all data accurate chapter and event donor information within the systems;
  • Monitor recurring donations that are completed and report it to management for action;
  • Monthly follow up with the chapter coordinator and finance on fundraising efforts
  • assist in data collection process and efforts as needed;
  • assist in the revenue recognition process.

Fundraising Activities:

  • Create Policy for updating donors on all campaigns;
  • Review donor data to assist in fundraising strategies and donor retention; 
  • Managing all updates for donors regarding campaigns and restricted funds in which they donated to, under CEO coordination;  
  • Monitor and report on all private fundraising efforts through platforms not integrated into our system (i.e. Facebook), and communicate with donors;
  • Create campaigns and individual forms (i.e Team Palestine), including one-time and recurring/scheduled donations online for both individuals and for chapters;
  • Coordinate with Humanitarian Programs Department to track donor accounts, add new donor accounts to check if recurrent donations for sponsorships were done correctly and keep the management updated on expiring sponsorships so to replace the donors;
  • Create private access event track attendees reports for chapters;
  • Create fundraising pages for volunteers, including all chapters and partners, as needed;
  • Assist as needed on fundraising efforts and campaigns;, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements


Professional Qualities

  • B.A. degree in a relevant field
  • Three years of experience in NGO fundraising systems
  • Experience in Digital Fundraising
  • International certificate is a plus

Other Requirements 

  • Prior knowledge of the donation method during the event
  • Prior knowledge of payment gateway
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to work with a team
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
  • High attention to details with the ability to organize information;
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and be able to start and resume work as soon as possible;
  • Has the capacity/capability to meet deadlines;
  • Ability to work under time constraints;
Job Details
Job Title Donor Database Coordinator
Deadline 12 - Sep - 2019
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions

Interested Candidates with the needed expertise are welcome to send Cover letters and detailed CVs on: [email protected] no later than Sep. 12th 2019

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