English to Arabic translator

Job Description
English to Arabic translator (Part-Time)
SSA Contract
OCHA in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
ملاحظة هامة : للتقدم لهذه الوظيفة يجب اولا تعبئة النموذج الخاص بالمؤسسة ومن ثم ارساله مع الوثائق المطلوبة عبر البريد الالكتروني في اسفل الاعلان ،لتحميل النموذج الخاص الرجاء الضغط هنا
In order to ensure accurate Arabic translation and high level Arabic composition of OCHA outputs and reports in the Hebrew language, OCHA oPt office requires a part-time English to Arabic translator.
The translator will report directly to the Arabic Communications and Information Officer in the Advocacy Unit, and ultimately to the Head of Unit, and be tasked with the translation of OCHA reports upon demand within the allotted time frame:

Time frame:
Up to 2500 words in ONE working day
2500- 5,000 words in TWO working days
5000 – 7500 words in THREE working days
For every 2500 words an additional working day.

The translator will be responsible for:
1-Producing a 100% accurate translation of English text to Arabic. Content accuracy includes detailed comparison of content, facts and figures and making sure there are no omissions from the source; translations and proofreading all footnotes and/or endnotes, captions under photographs, lists etc; accurate exact and agreed upon translation of UN agencies and title; accurate and consistent usage of UN terminology adapted to Arabic.
2-Ensuring Arabic language excellence and proofreading, including excellent Arabic language, vocabulary, syntax, expression and grammar as well as all relevant terminology.
3-Ensuring quality check and proofreading of translation; ensuring that no typographical errors are left in the final text.
4-The translation submitted to OCHA under this TOR is the property of OCHA and cannot
be submitted, distributed to or used by any other party, unless arranged otherwise.
5-The translator is obligated to work within the required deadlines and be available to
OCHA for comments and corrections.

Required Qualifications:
Excellent knowledge of Arabic and English; excellent Arabic language skills, writing and typing skills.
Proven experience in Arabic literature and or writing.
Prove experience in translations from English to Arabic for clients such as research institutes, human rights organizations, international organizations, translation services or other translation users.
Availability for about 5 – 8 days/month.
Ensured electronic communication mechanism to include facility for downloading large reports.
Samples of previous work will be requested.
A test will be conducted before issuance of a contract

How to apply:
Candidates interested in applying for this position should provide the following:
1-A complete Personal History Form (P11) in English providing full details on education, present and past employment, language skills, computer skills, etc.
2- A short letter in English (max 300 words) explaining why you think you are qualified for this post and why you would like to work for OCHA. Also indicate when you can start work.

Only qualified candidates should apply and only those who have been short listed will be
Please e-mail your cover letter and application (P11) to the following e-mail address:
[email protected].
Applications received after this date will not be considered.

Jobs.ps, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title English to Arabic translator
Deadline 27 - Oct - 2009
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Part time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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