Environmental, Social Planning & Management Consultant
The NGO Development Center (NDC) has received a financing toward the cost of the Action for East Jerusalem’s Identity and Resilience (AJIR) project and intends to use part of the funds thereof to payments for the Environmental and Social Planning and Management consulting services to be procured under the project.
The Services of the consultant shall consist of designing, monitoring and reporting on the Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for moderate-risk subprojects (category b) to guarantee the successful implementation of the subproject in alignment with the strategic objective of the AJIR Programme. Specifically, the consultant is required to accomplish the following:
- Review project documents, specifically the i) Implementation Manual; ii) Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP);and iii) Preliminary Environmental and Social Assessment Form (PESAF).
- Screen and review all proposed subprojects in order to identify any that may carry the risk of adverse environmental and social impacts,
- Assign a category to each subproject in accordance with the Preliminary Environmental and Social Assessment Form (PESAF),
- Design detailed ESMPs for the projects that are classified as “Moderate - Risk” subprojects. The designed ESMP shall address environmental and social mitigation measures to be undertaken during construction and operation of the particular intervention. In the ESMP, the environmental and social mitigation and monitoring actions shall be presented in a matrix format. The matrix includes identifying the issues, mitigation measures, and responsibility for carrying out the mitigation measures, environmental and social monitoring, responsibility for carrying out the monitoring actions and the approximate cost estimates for the actions, if any.
- In coordination with NDC, carry out spot field environmental and social monitoring visits to selected subprojects that are under implementation, to ensure compliance with the ESMPs.
- Provide training/coaching (whenever needed) to CSOs to help them successfully apply the designed ESMPs, including reflecting them in the subprojects’ designs, contracts and bidding documents, monitor the subprojects’ implementation and report on the environmental and social issues as needed.
- Monitor and report on the status of environmental and social performance for the sub-projects. The report will be part of NDC’s annual progress report and will present an overview of deviations/violations of the ESMPs encountered over the reporting period including instructions given to the contractors for addressing incompliance and identified issues, and follow-up actions on the revealed outstanding matters.
The assignment will commence on the date of signing the contract with the Consultant and will extend over the AJIR implementation period, until December 31, 2024. The total level of efforts is estimated at 100 days.
The NDC hereby invites Applicants to show their interest in delivering the Services described above. This Request for Expressions of Interest is open to Individual consultants.
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Required Qualifications:
In order to accomplish the objective of the assignment and the scope of work, a consultant is required with the following qualifications and competences:
- Easy access to Jerusalem with a Jerusalem driving license;
- MSc degree in Environmental Engineering, Environmental and Social Science or any related field;
- Previous experience with AFD, World Bank, or other donors Environmental and Social Safeguard policies and procedures;
- At least 5 years relevant experience working on assignments of similar nature;
- In-depth knowledge and understanding of national and local (Jerusalem Municipality) legislations, including laws, regulations, and standards governing environmental and social policies; and
- Relevant experience in the CSOs sector.
Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the "Procurement Guidelines for AFD-Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries", available online on AFD’s website: www.afd.fr.
Interested individual consultants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to perform those Services. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted. The Expressions of Interest must be submitted to the following email address [email protected] no later than November 15, 2020.
To review the full Request of Expression of Interest document, including the Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Environmental and Social Responsibility which shall be sumitted with the application, signed and unaltered, please visit the following link: www.ndc.ps/en/REoI-ESMPs.