Expert for Capacity Building

Job Description


The objective of the project is to provide institutional development and capacity building. It is working with the bureau to move towards full INTOSAI compliance, so that SAACB can become a core institution of public financial management within the Palestinian National Authority. This objective has acquired an added emphasis with SAACB gaining full INTOSAI membership

Amongst the core functions of SAACB, financial audit, compliance audit, performance audit, fraud prevention audit and IT Systems audit are significant. With limited staff and expanding functions, SAACB has to conduct cost effective audits. The common thread that runs through all these different forms of audit is risk assessment so that audit can zero in risk prone activities and decisions. This in turn will help deliver cost effective audits.

Description of the Role

Specific Objectives of the Assignment
Risk Identification, Assessment, Mitigation and Management are speciality skills. How far the auditee has developed these skills and whether the inevitable risks are within the manageable limits and that risk appetite is well gauged in the audited entity is for audit to assess especially at the time of planning audit and in understanding the audited entity and environment. To assess whether the risks were kept within reasonable thresholds at the policy and performance levels is therefore a crucial function of audit. In addition audit will have to ensure that the audited entity has developed ENTERPRISE WIDE systems to address risk issues as they emerge in different segments of the entity, if public finances are to be safeguarded. INTOSAI has evolved in its guidelines how to audit risk ridden performances in public sector. There are risk related theories and models developed for business entities too. To give a comprehensive view over these theories and models and enable appreciation of the intricacies and interlinks a short class room course is planned. It is also considered advantageous to explain these concepts, systems, intricacies and interlinks in Arabic through a local expert so that the theoretical underpinning and appreciation is strong to aid practical applications and audit deliveries.

Requested Services

The proposed services relate to Activities 1.1 to 1.4, and 1.6 of the Project ToR.

Expected Results

-Good grasp of the concept of Risk to facilitate improved public sector audit
-Better understanding of Risk Based Auditing in all types of audit such as Financial, Compliance, Fraud Prevention and IT Systems Audit
-Better appreciation of the internal strategies and control to mitigate and manage Risks in the audited entities
-Preventive and Curative strategies to combat and contain risks and fraud
-Better understanding of the INTOSAI Guidelines on Risk Based Auditing to underpin audit execution
-Appreciation of Enterprise Wide culture of risk mitigation and  management

Expert’s Profile

Qualifications of the Expert

-University level education
-International Certification for Risk Management

Experience of the Expert

-International certification  on Risk Management and Mitigation
-Minimum of 10 years of experience as Training Expert
-Minimum of 3years of training experience with any international institution as Trainer
-Fluency in the Arabic language

Category of Expert
Local Short Term Expert

Working languages
English and Arabic

Schedule and number of days for the Assignment
Total of 05 days - in the period from 21 March to 31 May 2017

Location of the Assignment
Ramallah, Palestine

Please send CV by email to: 

[email protected]

Competition closes by 26 March 2017. Only selected candidates will be called for interview.                       , Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Expert for Capacity Building
Deadline 26 - Mar - 2017
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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