Expert/s in training curriculum design

Job Description
Call for expert/s in training curriculum design targeting public sector employees.
Terms of Reference
ActionAid Palestine
July 2021

Background information

ActionAid Palestine is implementing a thirty-month project funded by ENI CBC MED strategic calls: " Developing the INTERNISA network of synergies to increase the number of digitally skilled women employed in the ENI CBC MED territories via matching demand and supply in the labour market" under contract B_A.3.1_0064. The project objective is to bridge the digital gender gap and provide marketable digital skills in Mediterranean territories by developing a network and a portal that brings closer the demand and supply of the labour market, providing women with digital skills, and delivering professional training in the agri-food, financial, textile, and tourism sectors.

In this current phase of the project " capacity building", the project aims to initiate the INTERNISA labour demand and supply interventions, by developing online and offline training curricula and carrying out supportive training procedures for a) women in need of digital skills, b) businesspeople in need of applying innovative digitalized business models, and c) public sector employees aiming to support and advance the digitalization of ENI CBC MED economies. The curricula will focus on digital skills for the agri-food, textile financial and tourism sectors of INTERNISA territories. 

Purpose and rationale

The curriculum design expert/s are required to develop 1 set (online & offline) of training curricula & toolkits providing knowledge, skills & competences to public sector employees aiming to advance the participation of women in the labour market and to foster the digitalization of the ENI CBC MED economies.

The development of this curricula and training toolkits will be built upon the reports produced by the project partners in the previous phase (Work Package three owner, Al Balqa Applied University), which includes the results of women and managers surveys, focus groups and desk reviews of women access to the labour market and the use of digital skills in the four sectors: textiles, tourism, financial services, and agri-food, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Qualification of expert/s

At least 5 years of experience in using/developing/reviewing Training curricula and training materials, or equivalent evidence of work done on curricula and training materials. 

Good knowledge on public sector recruitment policies and labor law

A proven track record of experience working in similar assignments.  

Fluency in English and Arabic are required. 

Strong communication skills and a well-networking ability to facilitate the execution of this assignment. 

Job Details
Job Title Expert/s in training curriculum design
Deadline 13 - Jul - 2021
Location Hebron
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Category Other
Application Instructions

Expert/s and relevant firms that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest to include the following: 

  1. A cover letter including the suitability of the candidate (individual or a firm) to the required task.
  2. A curriculum vitae of expert/s to be working on the assignment.
  3. A technical offer in response to the call for Expert TOR, showing the Expert/s understanding of the assignment and how this can be taken forward. 
  4. A financial offer: detailed budget breakdown in EURO and initial work plan for the designated dates of the assignment. 
  • Prerequisites for accepting Consultants/firms' Financial offer: 
  • Prices must be VAT exempted. Otherwise, 5% income tax deduction from the total cost for local individuals who are not registered at official quarters.
  • The firms have to provide a valid deduct from source certificate along with the offer. 
  • Prices must be in Euros valid for 30 days from the closing date of proposal submission. 
  • Prices must include all expenses related to this assignment e.g., travel, stationary, per diems…etc 

Interested applicants can request the Terms of Reference by sending an e-mail to [email protected] starting on Tuesday 6 July until Sunday 11 July 2021 from 09:00-15:30 (except Fridays)

The expression of interest package must be submitted to ActionAid Palestine in a closed and sealed envelope to ActionAid offices in Ramallah- Ein Misbah, opposite to YWCA and next to AL Snowbar restaurant, by indicating this title in the e mail subject [INTERNISA 2/2021- capacity building] no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday 13 July 2021. (Our office is closed on Friday and Saturday) 

ActionAid offers equal opportunities for all.  ActionAid Palestine is committed to SHEA (Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse) and safeguarding overarching principles. 

This Terms of Reference follows the EU regulations no. 897/2014 for procurement purposes.

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