Job Description
Request for Proposal-Call for consultance
RFP # PTC-SSA-104-10-2018
Export Manager Consultant

1.   Background

1.1 Palestine Trade CENTER (PalTrade)

PalTrade was established in 1998, as a non-profit development organization, which was mandated as the Palestinian National Trade Promotion Organization.  Recently, PalTrade has evolved into an export development organization with a mission to lead the development and sustainable increase of Palestinian exports as a driving force for sustainable national economic growth; and has been instrumental in leading the way to establish a National Export Strategy.  PalTrade provides a wide range of support in the areas of export development and market intelligence, export promotion, and export policy and advocacy. 


PalTrade, PSC and PFI are partnering to implement the project titled “Creating a Competitive Edge of the Palestinian MSMEs in the Local and Potential Export Markets” in West Bank and Gaza. The Project aims to increase the capacity of MSMEs by targeting selected priority sectors/products to increase their market share locally and internationally and will focus on improving the competitiveness of a selected number of companies.

3.   Beneficiaery’s background

Founoun Company has been established in 2013, as a specialty decorative stone producer, focusing on exterior architectural elements and interior custom tiles. Founoun is considered the largest decorative stone producer in Palestine in terms of fabrication capacity, availability of high tech machines and potential to grow further. Founoun has been exporting stone through other Palestinian stone companies, distributors, and stone dealers mainly in the Gulf and the USA along with other markets, but at a very conservative capacity (1-2 villas per year).

4.   Objective

To access and increase the market share in the target markets, there is a need to hire an export manager consultant to collect market intelligence; such as potential buyers, distribution channel, prices, market trends, conduct presentations with architects, stone distributors and contractors; and reach maturity conversations to ask for project business and stone orders. The export manager consultant will be mainly responsible for marketing the company’s products in the US and Gulf markets through; conducting B2B meetings, present company’s in the international exhibitions, identify potential international buyers, follow up with the Company’s business leads and create new wave of leads


The purpose of this assignment is to increase the competitiveness of the beneficiary in the international market targeting the US and Gulf Markets. The assignment’s objective is to represent the company globally, meet potential clients, visit projects, network with architects and contractors, conduct market scans for sub-sectors or sub-products, investigate new technology and support the company to grow its business in an export orientation.

6.   Scope of Work


  • Develop an outline of a sales and marketing outreach for the upcoming year
  • Prepare a market scan for both USA and Gulf markets (gulf focus on UAE and Qatar)
  • Reach out to current customers and contacts obtained during previous events and trade shows
  • Reach out to customer leads and new prospects through cold calling
  • Conduct field project site visits, meetings and presentations to attract new prospect clients
  • Prepare for business to business meetings and schedule for the US and Gulf markets
  • Execute the planned business to business meetings in the targeted markets
  • Support with sending technical feedback, designs, sourcing correct stone type including sending samples, prototypes and mock-ups.
  • Support with sending price offers, negotiating and working deals with clients
  • Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships
  • Involvement in marketing campaigns along with updating company promotional materials
  • Manage trade show participation and proper presentation including construction
  • Increase and growth in sales, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements


  • Available to start immediately, flexible hours and round the clock to meet fast company needs especially time difference for US market
  • bachelor’s degree in Management, Business or Relevant Fields
  • 10 years of professional experience with at least 5 years of experience in Sales and Marketing
  • At least 5 years of exposure to Palestinian stone and exposure to markets that use natural stone in construction
  • Fluent in both English and Arabic, but specifically exceptionally flawless in English reading and writing with specifics to Business-English style and terminology.
  • Experience and exposure to providing business advice and preparing business plans is a valuable asset especially with relevance to stone business
  • Previous experience and training in sales, marketing and cold calling is important and of value
  • Exposure to other types of marble and limestone is a plus
  • Existing valid VISA for the US and Gulf countries including (UAE and Qatar)


  • Develop an outline of the sales and marketing outreach and plan for the upcoming 8 month including detailed final budgets.
  • Prepare a market scan for both USA and Gulf markets (gulf focus on UAE and Qatar). Prepare a list of contacts obtained during previous events and trade shows with a brief, potential and follow up steps. This list should include new customer leads and prospects obtained through cold calling not on-line research.
  • Conduct business to business meetings in the US market with potential customers, prepare and submit brief progress reports that includes pictures and progress to reach business deals.
  • Conduct business to business meetings in the Gulf market (UAE and/or Qatar) with potential customers, prepare and submit brief progress reports that includes pictures and progress to reach business deals.
  • Conduct second round of business to business meetings in the US market with potential customers, prepare and submit brief progress reports that includes pictures and progress to reach business deals
  • Prepare final report that includes a cumulative progress update for both markets with tracking customers, potential and sales to date


The level of effort for this assignment will be a total of 8 months. The commencement date of this assignment is expected to be November 1st, 2018.

All deliverables should be submitted to Mr. Najeeb Nasser at [email protected] copying Mr. Mohammad Taweel at [email protected] and Ms. Kholoud Kawamleh at [email protected]

Job Details
Job Title Export Manager Consultant
Deadline 23 - Oct - 2018
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Management
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 10 Years
Application Instructions

10. Terms and Conditions

Interested consulting companies are requested to adhere to the following terms and conditions:

  • Technical and financial offers should be received by hand two sealed separated envelopes one for the technical including the RFP documents signed and stamped and on for the financial offer and both  titled with RFP # PTC-SSA-104-10-2018 before 02:00 PM Palestine time  on  Tuesday  23/10/2018  to PalTrade office in Ramallah- Bireh- Wataniyya tower building, 5th floor.
  • Prices should be submitted in US dollars including VAT
  • The financial offer should include the total price breakdown for each deliverable
  • Payments are subject to the Palestinian taxation law.
  • PalTrade will cover the payments based on the deliverables and time frame for the assignment, and only if the deliverable has been approved by the beneficiary and the project manager.
  • PalTrade will award the assignments to the consultant who technical offer will be most responsive to requests technical requirement; the final evaluation will be based on both technical and financial criteria as the below table.
  • Passing scores for both technical and finical is 70/100

For more inquiries contact us in written email at [email protected] and by replying to the invitation email you will receive from this email, no inquiries will be taken over the phone. Deadline for receiving inquires is Thursday 18/10/2018, at 12:00 PM Palestine time.

PalTrade has the right to cancel or reissue the RFP for unforeseen circumstances

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: