Job Description

MedBEESinessHubs – C_A.1.2_0035

Terms of Reference for hiring external experts under A3.1.2, A3.1.3, A3.2.2 & A6.1.1

Project brief 

The MedBEESinessHubs capitalization project aims to support the economies of deprived rural communities in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Palestine and Italy by empowering and networking local people in creating, managing handicraft honeybee products businesses and the associated tourism services networks. 

Through coaching and capacity building in technical and business-oriented subjects, as well as through the provision of sub-grants, the project will attempt to provide new jobs through the setting up of micro-SMEs, bee-businesses, that can create value from honeybee products by adding their individual art of craft and design.

The project supports an ecological resource with simultaneous potential economic contributions to small business development in the sectors of agrifood, cosmetics and tourism.

The Palestinian businesswomen Association – Asala Partner of the MedBEESinessHubs project, is looking for an external expert and below is a brief description of the work required for each Activity.

A3.1.2 Regional studies on the economic value of networking around the honeybee products

It involves primary research using a questionnaire and secondary research from databases, reports etc, in order to provide a detailed analysis of the bee sector in your region/ country. Experts should provide statistical facts on the bee sector, a SWOT analysis, a needs assessment and an evaluation of the economic value of the sector with regard to the local economy. 

To be delivered by 15/04/2022


A3.1.3  Mapping the honeybee producers and policy frameworks at cross border level

This is sub-divided in two sections: 

  1. Mapping the honeybee producers: This deliverable shall have a multipurpose approach, noted below:
  1. To identify potential MSMEs who will be interested to participate in the actions of the project and benefit from the services to be provided
  2. To create a data bank for promoting local MSMEs through the online portal 
  3. To identify good practices in partner regions that can be transferable
  4. To record the diversity of activities which can be included in the bee-economy concept for rural development 

The main task is to map producers of honeybee products based on the following categorization:

  • Beekeepers and honey processors
  • Candle makers from bee wax
  • Wax based artisan cosmetics
  • Royal jelly producers
  • Honey comb and alike products processors
  • Bee keepers with tourism services
  • Honeybee courses and trainers

To be delivered by 15/05/2022


  • Mapping of policies in favour of beekeepers and processors


The work requires research into secondary sources for identifying and recording key policy instruments at national or regional level that affect directly or indirectly (a) the bees as a species to protect; (b) the beekeeping activity; (c) the bee processing and marketing activity. The report should be organised in the following order:

  • Name of policy instrument
  • Type (national/ regional)
  • Description
  • Funding budget (annually or as defined)
  • Funding source

To be delivered by 15/06/2022


A3.2.2 Training workshops in participatory democracy for honeybee cluster formation in all partner regions

  • A 2-day train-the-trainers course will be provided by PP1 FILAGRO in Cyprus, in English.
  • Hired Experts are expected to attend this 2-day course in Cyprus (their travel costs and accommodation expenses are included in their fee) in order to be trained in the specific technique of coaching in participatory democratic dialogue.
  • Hired experts, after being trained, are expected to carry out one workshop of structured democratic dialogue themselves in their regions, gathering the different Value Chain actors, in order to create the foundations for a regional cluster in the honeybee concept. 

(i) 2-day Train-the-Trainers course to be delivered by 10/05/2022

(ii) workshop carried out by hired experts to be delivered by 31/07/2022


A6.1.1 The MedBee economy concept in mainstream policies for rural development through the CAP

This Activity shall focus on the preparation of reports on possible policy implications at regional and national level, based on the experiences gained by the current project. Hired Experts in each partner region are expected to prepare a report on policy (reform) suggestions based on: (a) the particular policy framework of the region/ nation; (b) the CAP framework on apiculture support framework; (c) the reports from the ongoing evaluation and (d) interviews on experiences and suggestions by the target groups, the partners and the end beneficiaries.

To be delivered by 31/05/2023, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

External Expertise required: 

The hired expert/ team of experts should possess the following minimum criteria:

  • Excellent knowledge of both written and spoken English, in addition to their region’s language;
  • Previous experience in the delivery of training workshops/seminars;
  • Previous experience in conducting primary and secondary research on Apiculture or other Agri-food products;
  • Previous experience in writing articles, academic/scientific papers, books on Apiculture / Gastronomy / Agri-food related markets / Local strategies on Agri-food development;
  • University degree in one of the following subjects:
    • preferably in Agri-food sector, Apiculture, Horticulture, Agronomy; 


  • Business, Management, Economics, Entrepreneurship 
Job Details
Job Title External Experts
Deadline 23 - Dec - 2021
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions

Deadline for sending applications 

Interested experts should send their proposal and price offer to the Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association ASALA Office located AlBireh – Hamoodeh AlDirawi building – 4th floor in sealed and signed envelopes no longer than December 23rd, 2021 (2:00 PM).
The submission is presented in one-step. It includes the technical offer and the financial offer, as well as all the documents and documents requested in the terms of reference.

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: