“Facilitation of Structured Group – based Sessions” Trainer
International Medical Corps (IMC) is a non-profit humanitarian organization to relieve the suffering of those impacted by war, natural disaster, and disease. Multinational professionals who deliver vital health care services, Trauma care, mental health services and protection helping the marginalized overcome devastation. Preeminent global first responder, providers of emergency assistance, relief and tools for reconstruction and sustainable development.
Since 2009, IMC has been working in the Gaza Strip, providing health care, MHPSS, and protection services to vulnerable groups.
IMC is currently implementing a project titled “Investing in Community Preparedness and Resilience: Gaza Strip Multi-year Health, Nutrition, Protection and Disaster Preparedness Support Program” and funded by Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). Through local partner NGOs and hosting CBOs, IMC has been providing health and protection services (MHPSS, GBV, and CP) to marginalized communities in the 5 governorates of the Gaza Strip. The MHPSS component of the project includes the following main activities:
- Individual PSS service provision,
- Structured group - based psychosocial support activities,
- MHPSS Prevention and Promotion Activities, &
- Capacity building.
As part of its’ mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) program, IMC is seeking individual consultant(s) to provide training services on the “Facilitation of Structured group – based sessions.”
Duration: 4 days in Septenber 2023
Location: Gaza Strip
Scope of Work:
Aim: The training is aimed at equipping IMC MHPSS volunteers with knowledge and skills to competently implement structured group – based sessions including psychosocial support (PSS) sessions and PSS awareness sessions/ workshops.
Targeted Audience: About 30 participants will take part in the training activity. They include:
- 20 PSS volunteers who provide community – based PSS services to local community members throughout the 5 governorates of the Gaza Strip. The volunteers mainly work with adult community members, providing Psychological First Aid (PFA) services and facilitating structured group – based PSS activities (awareness workshops and PSS support sessions).
- About 10 IMC – MHPSS team members who provide technical oversight and / or supervision to the PSS volunteers.
Training Topics: Main topics include the following:
- Basic Concepts: Wellbeing, MHPSS, Community based PSS, structured group – based sessions, etc.
- Orientation to IMC’s awareness materials.
- Understanding group dynamics.
- Special Considerations: (Working with People with disabilities, Cultural Sensitivity, Safeguarding, including confidentiality & compliance with Code of Conduct, Safety & Risk Management, etc.).
- Planning group-based PSS sessions and awareness sessions/ workshops.
- Handling challenging situations during group-based PSS sessions and awareness sessions/ workshops.
- Monitoring and evaluating group-based PSS sessions and awareness/ workshops including relevant approaches and forms.
- Roleplays/ practicing group-based PSS sessions and awareness/ workshops.
Training Materials: The trainer(s) will use IMC’s standard awareness material. In addition, the trainer(s) will develop additional/ complementary training materials, as needed.
Training Methods: The trainer(s) need to use relevant adult training methods that foster adequate levels of participation and allow for sufficient opportunities to apply relevant knowledge and practice related skills, including discussions (in plenary, small groups and/ or pairs), and role plays/ practice sessions, coaching / field support.
Level of Effort: This assignment involves a total of 24 hours (4 days), the training workshop on “Facilitation of structured group – based sessions” will involve 4 days, 6 training hours per day.
Venue: The training workshop will take place in a training hall in Gaza city, and it will be reserved by IMC.
Timeline: This consultancy will take place in September 2023.
The selected Consultant is requested to provide the following deliverables:
- Detailed training plan including agenda, handouts, forms, and timeline.
- Training Report including description of training activity, topics covered, methods, assessment and evaluation results, and recommendations; supported by training material and photo documentation in line with relevant IMC policies.
Note: All deliverables to be provided in soft (in English and Arabic in Word format) and hard copies.
For more detailes, please see attached TOR.
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Consultant Qualifications
The Consultant will need to meet the following minimum criteria:
- The qualified candidate will be a MHPSS professional (psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, or other related background)
- Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in MHPSS filed with minimum 2 years’ experience in MHPSS training, including on the Facilitation of structured group – based sessions.
- Excellent facilitation and training skills.
- Excellent reporting skills (both English and Arabic).
- Strong interpersonal skills such as: (communication skills, Empathy and compassion, and problem solving).
- Cultural sensitivity.
Required Documents to be submitted
- CV highlighting relevant experience.
- Proven evidence of carrying similar training courses for a recognized organization.
- One High-quality report in English from previous work
- Technical approach and timeline.
- Copy of ID.
- Signed TOR (Terms of Reference) with financial offer using template in the attached TOR
Submission Instructions
- The Closing Date and Time for this Offer is September 02, 2023, 11:59 PM – Local Time
- The offers should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] by the closing date and time stated above and indicating in the subject line: Facilitation Trainer
- For any inquiries. Please contact by email to [email protected]
- Or Mobile: 0562010431