Facilitator for developing business and resource mobilizatio

Job Description

Quotation No. 55.2017

“Facilitation for developing business and resource mobilization plans
For Centers of Competence and One Stop Shop in Gaza Strip”

IRPAL is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant, individual consultants from Gaza within the following conditions:

This task should be implemented during September- December 2017 with maximum 40 working days.

Qualifications and Skills Requirements:

This call for consultancy is open for individual consultants, consultant should reflect a combination of related qualifications and professional experience in career guidance, counseling, job analysis, CVs assessment, professional interviews and communication skills.

The consultant should have the following qualifications and experience:

-    BA in business administration, livelihood, business development, related field
-    At least 5 proven years of experience in the development area
-    At least 3 proven years of experience in business planning
-    At least 3 proven years of experience in resource mobilization
-    Experience in training, coaching and facilitating interactive events
-    Competent in English language (the final report shall be written in English)

Application Procedure:

-    Interested consultants are invited to download the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) that include a detailed description of the Task.
-    Interested consultants are requested to submit their technical proposal and financial offers, each in a separate sealed envelope to IRPAL-Gaza office. No financial information shall be contained in the technical proposal envelope, that’s by 11 September 2017 (13:30 pm at the latest) to
IRPAL Gaza office –Gaza City Al-Dawli 2 building 26A Medhat Al-Wahidi st.

-    Following submission, IRPAL may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning quotations in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.
-    For any issues relating to the quotation or its contents please email directly to [email protected]
-    Any Proposal received after the due date will be rejected.

Jobs.ps, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Facilitator for developing business and resource mobilizatio
Deadline 11 - Sep - 2017
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: