Facilitators/ Trainers

Job Description


The NRC ‘Improved Education’ program focuses on the below components:

-Teaching and non-teaching school staff capacity building on child-centered teaching & learning approaches;

-Community involvement through the implementation of parents’ communication plan activities such as recreational and awareness raising activities & the establishment and activation of parent associations;

-Provision of legal awareness to students, parents and teachers and support in the existing framework of the referral system;

-Provision of small capacitation grants to allow targeted schools to meet gaps in provision of materials, especially improved teaching and learning aids;

-Psycho-educational support:

i) training for teachers on how to manage a classroom with children who have gone through stressful and traumatic events;
ii) training for counselors to support students with chronic problems that severely affect their school functioning, including behavior problems, bed-wetting and sleep disturbances.   

Based on need assessment and different reviews, NRC is planning to implement different activities and trainings for teaching and nonteaching staff, parents and students in the schools where NRC projects are implemented in certain topics.

NRC is seeking qualified consultants and facilitators who are able to deliver trainings and activities in different topics such as explained in the detailed ToR’s

Trainer on smart board software and utilization ToR
Trainer for utilising drama in education process ToR
Consultant for debriefing sessions ToR
Consultancy for Communication Plan Activities’ Acrobat and Fun activities. ToR
Consultancy for Communication Plan Activities’ Magic Show.ToR
Consultancy for Communication Plan Activities’ Theatre ShowToR
Consultancy for Communication Plan Activities’ Puppet Making ToR

Facilitator for Parents education sessions ToR
Facilitator for First Aid sessions ToR
Facilitator for Child Development and care ToR
Facilitator for School Health and Nutrition ToR

Interested experts are invited to send their offers and updated resume digitally no later than 8/11/2016 end of day to


[email protected]

Jobs.ps, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Facilitators/ Trainers
Deadline 08 - Nov - 2016
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Entry Level
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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