Female News Editor/ Presenter

Job Description

Job Title: Female News Editor/ Presenter

Duty Station: Ramallah

Type of Contract: Full-time position

Application Deadline: Tuesday, January 25th, 2020 

AFKAR Production Company, is a Palestinian media company for production and publishing. 

Afkar is establishing a new English/Hebrew radio station “Jerusalem24”, as a part of “East Jerusalem Youth: Agents of Change” action in Palestine, implemented by Afkar in partnership with, DanChurchAid/Norwegian Church Aid, and supported by European Union.

Jerusalem24 aims to give citizens in Jerusalem and marginalized areas a wide range of opportunities to participate in a societal debate about laws and daily regulations based on IHRL and IHL. 

We are seeking for Female English News Editor/ Presenter with the following roles and requirements:  

Roles and core responsibilities: 

  •  Generating ideas for stories and features and following leads from news agencies, the police, the public, press conferences and other sources.
  • pitching ideas to Chief-in-editor. 
  • Prepare and/or present breaking news, detailed news, live and recorded programs. 
  • researching, verifying and collating evidence and information to support a story using relevant information sources such as the internet, archives, databases, etc.
  • identifying necessary resources and deploying and managing technical crews for location shoots, including sound operators and camera crew.
  • preparing and presenting material on air for both pre-recorded and live pieces.
  • identifying potential interviewees, briefing them, preparing interview questions and conducting both live and recorded interviews.
  • preparing timings for each news item.
  • understanding and complying with media law and industry codes of conduct.
  • Works with Chief-in-editor and team to create and implement overall content plan and priorities.

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Job Requirements

Key requirements: 

  • bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as media, political science or international relation.
  • previous experience of minimum two years in similar position.
  • native English speaker with excellent written and oral communication skills
  • an interest in people, news, current affairs and good general knowledge
  • confidence in front of a camera and an 'on air' presence. 
  • the ability to work under pressure, both within teams and individually
  • outstanding analytical skills and ability to absorb, extract and present information in a clear and understandable way
  • the ability to build rapport and to handle interactions with sensitivity, empathy and diplomacy, while maintaining impartiality. 
  • excellent interviewing and listening skills
  • an eye for a story, with an ability to generate original ideas and the confidence to pitch to senior editors
Job Details
Job Title Female News Editor/ Presenter
Deadline 25 - Jan - 2022
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 2 Years
Application Instructions

How to apply: Interested candidates shall send their CV and cover letter to [email protected] , no later than Tuesday, 25 January 2020. 


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