Finance/Admin and HR Coordinator
Generic Function: Coordinator
JobTitle: Finance/Admin and HR Coordinator (FAHC) - Multi-country Delegation (MCD) Jordan & Palestine
Job Family: Coordinator (Head of Finance, Admin and HR Departmant)
Reports to (Hierarchically): Jor/Pal Multi-country Delegation (MCD) Representative
Reports to (Technically) Finance Controller based in HQ
Work in close collaboration with MCD Representative and other MCD Coordinators, especially Program Coordinator, Gaza Area Coordinator, Logistic Coordinator and Q&A Coordinator (all located in Amman, Jordan)
Salary level: 7
Working time in % : 100% = 40h per week, from Sunday to Thursday
Supervises (Number of subordinates): 3
Direct: 1 Finance Specialist (located in Gaza), 1 Finance Manager (located in Amman) and 1 HR Manager (located in Amman)
Indirect: +/- 2
Work location: position based in Jerusalem with regular travels – in average every two months to Gaza and to Amman
Job description valid from : 1st of January 2020, till end of the year (December 2020) with possibility of extension based on funding availability.
Overall Purpose: Terre des hommes (Tdh) Lausanne works in Palestine since 1973 and in Jordan since 2007, in close collaboration with recognized local partners and in partnership with several international donors. Since the end of 2019, based on a context needs and SWOT analysis, both delegations have been gathered under one common entity, a Multi-Country Delegation (MCD).
The main coordination office of the MDC is located in Amman (Jordan) and there are 3 sub-offices (1 in Irbid (Jordan), 1 in Jerusalem and 1 Gaza (Palestine)) in addition of several others implementing venues through local partners. The MCD comprises around 60 employees and 30 volunteers. All volunteers and around 50 employees are in Jordan, mainly based in the North where most of the activities are implemented, and around 10 employees are in Palestine, mainly based in Gaza where most of the activities are implemented.
The expected MCD global budget for 2020 will be around 4 million USD, with the main donors being AFD, BMZ, ECHO, UNOCHA, UNICEF and MEPI.
Tdh implements a resilience-based approach aiming to strengthen the whole system for the benefit of the most vulnerable children and families, including the refugees. The interventions employ a multisectoral model of action, through providing support to children, youth, families/caregivers and communities while investing on the development of capacities of key local – formal and informal – actors. Over the decades, Tdh - one of the Child Protection leading agency in Jordan and Palestine - has developed specific expertise on Migration, Access to Justice (A2J) and Child Labor (CL) programs through providing direct services in child friendly centres, mobile units and working with local partners.
The Finance/Admin and HR Coordinator (FAHC) is the head of the finance, admin and HR department of the MCD and a member of the MCD Senior Management Team (SMT) reporting directly to the MCD Representative. The FAHC is in charge to ensure effective, high quality, harmonized and compliant Finance/Admin and HR services delivery within MCD offices, through supervision, guidance and strengthening of existing structures.
Specific Responsibilities:
Strategy and Policy:
- As a member of the SMT contributes together with the other coordinators in periodically reviewing, analyzing and implementing the MCD Strategic Plan and in the formulation of the annual strategic priorities and action plans;
- Ensure that Finance/admin and HR Visions and Approaches within the MCD fall into the framework of the MCD Strategic Plan 2019-2021; Moreover, ensure that they contribute to the achievement’ objectives of the MCD Strategic Plan;
- Develop and ensure follow-up of a proper implementation of yearly Action Plans – which set the key objectives and their prioritization - of Finance/Admin and HR Departments. For this purpose, regular review of the Action Plans has to be organized, at least on a quarterly basis with her/his team located in Jordan and at least each two months with her/his team located in Palestine;
- Ensure a full understanding, appropriation and use of key Tdh policies, manuals, processes and tools in Finance/Admin and HR departments.
- Ensure that appropriate and harmonized Finance and HR set up are in place and when it is needed, propose review of organigrams and Job Descriptive of her/his teams to MCD Representative for validation;
- Provide direct daily supervision, guidance and support to direct subordinates and define their yearly key professional objectives (KPO);
- Based on Action Plans and KPOs, conduct - a minima – a yearly appraisal, and ad hoc ones when necessary, of all her/his subordinates; Pass on the evaluations and recommendations to the MCD Representative;
- Ensures the daily coaching of any collaborator under her/his responsibility, from the recruiting to the final collaboration reports. Furthermore, organize punctual trainings to develop and strengthen the technical knowledge and skills, mainly of Tdh staff and, where appropriate, of partners;
- Fully integrate and respect the values, policies and processes of Tdh in her/his management practices;
- Ensure effective team work through establishment of effective means of collaboration within the FAH department – especially a clear channel of information sharing and communication, a proper workflow based on a balanced delegation of task between the team members- developing a common, coherent and exhaustive approach within the MCD;
Internal Coordination
- Ensure the correct flow of information and mechanisms of coordination between FAHR and the other departments in the MCD;
- In collaboration with MCD Program Coordinator, ensure and facilitate a regular and smooth coordination with Operational teams, aiming to guarantee a Finance/Admin and HR Services’ Vision focusing on operational objectives and imperatives;
- Under the lead of the MCD Representative and in collaboration with other MCD Coordinators, participates as an active member – in person or at least virtually - in regular internal coordination meetings (Monthly Programmatic Meeting, Quarterly review of MCD Action Plan, Monthly Countries Management Team (CMT)) and any other ad hoc meeting requested by the MCD Representative), in which s/he presents detailed review of current achievements, challenges faced, and options considered for her/his Department;
- Be the focal point of the HQ Finance Controller, and generally speaking of HQ, on all matters related to Finance/Admin and HR.
External Coordination
- In agreement with the MCD Representative, ensures, her/himself or in determining the most appropriate person, a regular attendance of Tdh in relevant Coordination meetings at National and Local level following by a proper dataflow/information restitution within her/his Departments, and with other Departments where appropriate, is done;
- When required and where appropriate, under the supervision of the MCD Representative, s/he represents the organization locally to partners, donors, (I)NGOs, International Organizations and local authorities, and reports interview findings to the MCD Representative;
- Under the lead of the MCD Representative, in coordination with other Coordinators and for each project or phase of project, participate actively to kick off meetings and closure workshops.
Quality of Finance/Admin and HR services
Budget planning and management:
- Lead the yearly budget planning process of the MCD and provide advices to the MCD Representative and the SMT on defining the best allocation of the resources internal and external funds, through exhaustive and detailed budget and financial risks analysis and benefits;
- Ensure that the BFU and forecast processes are well in place for each project and implemented on a timely, quality and collaborative manner by Finance and Program Departments;
- On a monthly basis, compile him/herself the global MCD BFU (per each country) and engage with the Programme Coordinator and the Area Coordinator, in analyzing the situation and propose corrective/reallocation measures if needed, and share with HQ Financial Controller and MCD Representative;
- On a monthly basis, supervise the update of allocation table, done by Finance teams in close collaboration with other departments, before sharing it with MCD Representative and then with HQ Financial Controller.
Bank accounts and cash management:
- Supervise the proper bank accounts management by the finance team, and where situation requests, manages by him/herself the bank accounts and liaise with the bank managers for any issues;
- Prepare a monthly cash forecast, with the inputs of the Project managers, analyze and discuss it every quarter with the MCD Representative in order to guarantee that all bases are provided with sufficient liquidity for a smooth implementation of activities.
- On a monthly basis analyze the cash forecast and cash need received from Finance Manager and Finance Specialist and share them with MCD Representative and then with HQ Financial Controller.
- Ensure proper supervision of cash boxes’ management by Finance teams, in compliance with Tdh requirements.
- On a monthly basis, review the whole MCD accounting closing done by the Finance teams, including reconciliation forms for each cash boxes and bank accounts; then compile the documents and present it to the MCD Representative for signature before to share it with HQ Financial Controller and Accountant
Human Resource management:
- Ensure that the recruitment, the evaluation process and the career management are treated fairly and equitably, in compliance with Tdh requirements;
- Develop staff care and staff capacity building policy and ensure its implementation across the MCD;
- Ensure that the records of MCD national employees personal files are done properly and in compliance with Tdh requirements and national legislations;
- Ensure that a proper track of paid leave/holiday are done at HR level for the whole MCD employees;
- Validate the payroll and get the approval of the MCD Representative for the payment of salaries to employees and volunteers workers;
- Take the lead on the yearly review of salary grids and then propose potential updates to the MCD Representative for approval;
- Take the lead on the yearly review of medical insurances and staff coverages and then propose potential updates to the MCD Representative for approval;
- Keep updated about the local Labor Laws and local taxes and contributions in order to propose and discuss with the MCD Representative any required changes in the MCD HR handbook and National Staff Regulations;
- Be the main focal point for the lawyers and the Tax Advisors and oversee the payment of the local taxes and contributions by the proper deadline.
Compliance of Finance/Admin and HR services
- Promotes and encourages a culture of compliance and ethics throughout Terre des hommes Jordan and Palestine. As applicable to the position, maintains a clear understanding of Tdh’ and donor compliance and ethics standards and adheres to those standards. Communicates these values to staff and to partners and requires them to adhere to these values;
- Ensure that MCD’ financial, administrative and HR practices and tools follow 1. national laws, 2. donor regulations and 3. Tdh institutional policies and manuals;
- With consideration of the specific context of Jordan and Palestine, make recommendations and advises on Tdh policies, manuals and SOPs currently in place when appropriate;
- Ensure that donors and Tdh requirements/regulations in term of Finance/Admin and HR matters are read, understood, and followed accordingly by the MCD employees, in order to guarantee a high level of compliance and mitigate risks;
- Ensure timely roll-out and implementation of new or updated Tdh policies, procedures and/or tools at the MCD level; For this purpose, FAHC is in charge to organize sessions with relevant involved persons to present and explain the documents and then to ensure their proper understanding and implementation;
- Conduct, at least on a quarterly basis, cycle of spot checks and internal audit/self-evaluation process to verify that Finance/Admin (especially cash boxes management and filling and eligibility of receipts/invoice) and HR procedures (especially HR records) are implemented in compliance with donors and Tdh regulations, and then propose action plans accordingly;
- In order to mitigate risks and to ensure a high level of quality services delivered, conduct yearly assessment of Finance/Admin and HR Department activities' impact and submit a report, including corrective and/or improvement actions, to the MCD Representative.
- Ensure the best implementation of Tdh Risk Management Policies such anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Policy against fraud and criminal activities (PFAC), Whistle Blowing Policy, Cash Policy amongst others.
Specific responsibilities related to Audit:
- Develop and keep updated a yearly agenda of the already known external audits;
- Lead on the auditing processes by:
- Supervising the preparation and organization of the documents for all financial/annual audits
- Ensuring auditing of accounts at the end of the year and take the lead on the preparation of project audits by assisting the auditors with any requests
- sharing with HQ Financial Controller to get validation any potential reply to the management letter
- Develop implementation plan and calendar for internal and external audits recommendations and share them with MCD Representative and Finance Controller at HQ;
- Ensure and monitor the effective implementation of the aforementioned plan and provide a yearly report on the achievements to MCD Representative and Finance Controller at HQ;
- In collaboration with Logistic Coordinator, follow up the VAT and duty exemption procedures and keep track of the exempted materials.
Reporting and project design
- Ensure donors, HQ, MCD head office deadlines for any financial matters are met;
- In collaboration with other Coordinators, especially Program Coordinator, contribute to donors’ reports on the parts related to Finance/Admin and HR Services;
- FAHC is accountable of the accuracy, quality and timely delivery of financial reports by her/his team;
- Under the supervision of MCD Representative and in close collaboration with other coordinators, mainly Program Coordinator, ensure the effective preparation of budgets by the finance team and when it is required take active part in drafting him/herself the project budgets;
- Help actively draw up and maintain updated the fundraising plan in line with the organization's financial strategy;
- On a monthly basis provide FAHR situation report to the MCD Representative.
* Reference document : Tdh Competency Framework
- This role requires a mastery of Personal, Social and Leadership Competencies (PSLC), Technical and Methodological Competencies (TMC) and Management and Strategic Competencies (MSC)
In particular: (select the ones that are most relevant to the job - 5 maximum )
- Adopts a collaborative attitude both inside and outside the department
- Delegates responsibilities and tasks based on the available competencies in the teams
- Manages the changes arising in the teams
- Warrants and respects the rules, the processes and the correct usage of institutional tools
- • Is able to explain Tdh policies, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
- Education: University (Master) degree in relevant field
- Language: Excellent oral and writing skills in English, Arabic an asset
Previous experience:
- Previous experience with an INGO is mandatory
- At least 3 years of experience on a coordination position covering Admin/Finance and HR
- Previous experiences in the MENA region, especially Jordan and/or Palestine, would be a distinct advantage
Knowledge and skills:
- Budget management: preparation with team, capacity to support but also to challenge, budget and financial risks analysis, budget follow up and analysis, able to propose corrective measures, etc.
- Experience in dealing with a diversity of institutional donors (budget designing, financial reporting, audit), knowledge of the main donors ‘rules
- Good knowledge of accounting principles
- Very good command of Excel
- Good command of SAGA is an asset
- Ability to travel to the MCD operational areas on a regular basis.
Tdh Global Code of Conduct and Risk Management Policies:
Fully complies with Tdh’s Global Code of Conduct and systematically reports any breach to the Code through the whistleblowing procedure: raises awareness within the Foundation on abuse and violence and the rights deriving therefrom, respecting the rights and dignity of children, members of the communities and our own Staff
Commits to respecting Risk Management Policies including: Safeguarding Policies (Child Safeguarding Policy, Policy on the Protection against Sexual Exploitation and the Directive on Staff Misconduct at the Workplace), Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption and Prevention of the Financing of Criminal Activities Policies
Commits to reducing the risk of abuse and harm by developing a culture of open and informed leadership within the organization and in our work with children and the communities in which we intervene in.
Pleae submit a cover letter and a CV no later than December 22 to [email protected]. Only short-listed candidates will be contracted.