Financial Manager
The Palestinian Water Authority )PWA( in Gaza invites experienced & qualified Palestinians to apply for the following position in the Project Management Unit (PMU) which is responsible for the implementation of North Gaza Emergency Sewage Project funded by the World Bank
Objectives of the assignment
The Project Financial manager will be responsible for the management of Project’s financial management arrangements, in accordance with the relevant Palestinian Authority and World Bank financial management requirements.
Responsibilities mainly include:
1- maintaining an integrated accounting system for all approved Project activities, utilizing standard accounting procedures, which will ensure full documentation and recording of sources and uses of funds from all financing partners;
2-preparing the Financial Reports and Financial Statements for all the Project activities; and
3-Ensuring that Project expenditures are incurred for the intended purpose.
Duties and responsibilities
-Under the general direction of the PMU Director, the Financial Manager should manage the financial management arrangement for the project, including but not limited to:
-Ensuring Quality at Entry work on financial management and preparedness for project implementation in respect to adequate accounting and internal control and auditing procedures that
accord with the Bank’s minimum requirements;
-Developing Project Account/s and Financial Management Reports in accordance to the World Bank requirements;
-Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports, including Interim Financial Report, statement of activities and cash flow statement, and all other reports as required by Project Management Team and by financing partners.
-Engaged in receipt and payment of funds in connection with the Project; Forecast projects’ cash inflow and outflow to ensure availability of funds;
-Supervising, maintaining and verifying of monitor any all designated account which may be set up for under the Project;
-Manage project expenditure ensuring prompt action with regard to payments on expenditures incurred with respect to the Project, including the preparation of withdrawal applications;
-Reviewing and verification record payment claims for contractors, suppliers and consultants that are hired contracted under the Project and issuing payments accordingly; process payment
claims from the Grants designated account and from Government counterpart funds as appropriate; ensure that physical progress is in line with financial progress.
-Preparing withdrawal applications for the disbursement of World Bank funds and for the replenishment of the designated accounts
-Preparing Assist in preparation of a consolidated budget estimates and allocation for all project activities.
-Initiating, maintaining and updating Client Connection page for the project on the World Bank website; Ensure that all expenditures requests have been properly authorized and approved and that they are included in the approved budget;
-Providing auditors with all relevant information (including TORs and the Bank’s auditing requirements) necessary to carry out their engagement;
-Follow up with external auditors on recommendation and pending matters
-Review receivables and payables and ensure prompt settlement of payables to the Project's suppliers and contractors
-Ensure project’s assets are well-maintained and registered in the project’s fixed assets registry.
-Ensure compliance with the project policies and procedures manual and with the grant agreement. Follow the internal control system to ensure that appropriate mechanisms, procedures, and systems are in place, and initiating, preparing, and issuing standard practices related to accounting and auditing procedures and the coordination of systems throughout the project, including clerical and office records, reports, and procedures;
-Performing any other duties as assigned by the PMU Director
Qualifications would be the following:
-Bachelor Degree in Accounting in addition to MBA in Business Administration or public finance or financial management or financial analyst is required;
-Internationally recognized accounting qualification [e.g. CA, ACCA, CPA] is a plus.
-Proven conceptual, analytical and technical skills with at least Five years of relevant experience in donor-financed projects (preferably World Bank financed projects);
-Knowledge of Palestinian Authority Accounting procedures
-Excellent oral and writing communications skills; good command of English language (reading, writing and speaking) and excellent computer skills.
The contract will be for an initial period of one year, extendable to the full length of the project.
The commencement of the assignment is expected to start on 1st April 2013.
CV's and the supporting documents should be delivered before 15:00hr of the dead line 26th February , 2013 to the following address below:
Al Wehda Street In front of Ministry of Health
Shaath Building (Shaath Pharmacy)
Tel: 28336092833615/ Fax: 2826630
E-mail :
For more clarification please don’t hesitate in contacting Projects Management Unit )PMU(.
PWA is an equal opportunity employer, applications from men and" "women will be considered equally
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