Gaza Coordinator

Job Description

Job Description

In preparation for an anticipated private sector support project by the World Bank and the Ministry of National Economy, known as the Innovative Private Sector Development (IPSD) Project, BA/Levant Gulf HR is mandated by a bidding consortium to allocate profiles for highly-motivated professionals, as described below. 

The project aims to:

  • Develop a Palestinian entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  • Build linkages with regional entrepreneurial ecosystems.
  • Design and implement a start-up finance system.
  • Develop frameworks for home-based businesses.
  • Extend grant monies and technical assistance to beneficiary start-ups.
  • Build and operate an outsourcing hub in Gaza.
  • Design automated systems to manage private sector development initiatives,
  • Extend technical assistance and capacity building to a wide range of beneficiaries, covering entrepreneurship, start-up finance, and home-based businesses/outsourcing.


  • Coordinate and monitor Project activities in Gaza, based on approved program work plans, results frameworks and milestones.
  • Provide reports on progress, constraints, and proposed remedial actions where required.
  • Support entrepreneurship ecosystem of the digital economy and the development of an outsourcing hub in Gaza, where required, including coordination between the counterparts on issues related to components’ implementation and prioritization.
  • Coordinate the activities relevant to the development of an outsourcing hub in Gaza.
  • Manage project procurement processes in Gaza. 
  • Maintain close cooperation with the key stakeholders in Gaza involved in the different components of the program., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Required Qualifications:

  • Relevant postgraduate qualification.
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in outsourcing, entrepreneurship, and organizational development.
  • Demonstrated ability in building effective working relations with high-level government officials, donor partners and multitude of local stakeholders.
  • Fluent in Arabic and English.
  • Commitment to multi-culturalism.
Job Details
Job Title Gaza Coordinator
Deadline 31 - Jan - 2019
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Full time
Position Level Senior Excutive/CEO
Salary N/A
Degree Master's degree
Experience 10 Years
Application Instructions

Interested and qualified candidates can apply online through Apply Now - تقدم الآن لهذه الوظيفة 

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