Gender Equality & Social Inclusion Analysis Consultant

Job Description

Project Background:

The Positive Youth Engagement (PYE) Program is a five year, USAID funded program implemented by Mercy Corps and partners. PYE aims to increase the access of marginalized and vulnerable youth friendly services and safe spaces, targeting 50,000 youth and to improve their perceptions about their future life and work by 50% in targeted areas.  The program will be implemented in selected areas of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. To meet the goal of transforming vulnerable youth into productive, connected, and contributing citizens.

Overall Goal:

The goal of the PYE gender and social inclusion (GESI) analysis is to identify gender gaps in youth engagement including youth living with disabilities, and inform program implementation on how to better integrate gender and inclusion considerations into the program cycle through identifying key gaps that have emerged over the past year of implementation. The analysis will seek to determine 1) what are the gender and social inclusion priorities for youth, 2) What are the successes and gaps in PYE addressing them, and 3) how can PYE enhance its interventions to further respond to these realities. In line with the program objectives, it is essential that the study includes a focus on Persons Living with Disability (PLWD) as part of inclusion.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the PYE GESI analysis are:

  1. To better understand the gender gaps and priorities that exist between male and female youth as well as Person’s Living with Disability (PLWD) in relation to the program objectives.
  2. Identify the gender related barriers/ challenges and opportunities to their participation.
  3. Identify barriers/ challenges and opportunities to the participation of PLWD.
  4. Examining gendered support systems surrounding youth engagement and how they impact their participation
  5. To highlight strengths and gaps in current PYE programming and address the gender and inclusion priorities identified based on the first year of implementation.
  6. To refine PYE interventions based on the GESI analysis findings, and ensure gender and inclusion are mainstreamed throughout the programs’ interventions.
  7. Inform the design and implementation of gender responsive interventions where appropriate to enhance participation and/or program impact.
  8. To facilitate effective gender and youth integration into PYE’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning frameworks, project planning and key program interventions.


 Desired Methodology:

The gender analysis will comprise of a two-stage process: a desk review and primary qualitative data collection.

  • Desk review: The consultant(s) will conduct a desk review of secondary data analysis including key project documents and reports (such as the baseline study and the annual report) as well as other key reports, analysis, policies and assessments by Government or other NGOs. The desk review will help identify key data gaps that will inform the focus of the primary data collection exercise and determine the guiding framework for analysis.
  • Primary data collection: The gender qualitative field study will incorporate focus group discussions and key informant interviews to understand the views of male and female youth, parents (both mothers and fathers), male and female coaches and trainers and youth living with disabilities on their priorities and needs. The design and execution of the qualitative field study will be explicitly informed by the findings of the desk review. Appropriate data collection methods and tools will be used to ensure that relevant data is collected, to inform subsequent activity design and appropriate gender and youth intervention strategies. The use of gender and youth analysis tools to gather information from participants, or to enable them to openly share their views on deep underlying issues in a safe environment/ space, will be facilitated and encouraged. Sensitive data collection and rigorous data analysis and reporting is pivotal; not only to ensure quality and comprehensiveness but also for the overall outcomes of the study.

Key Responsibilities and Deliverables:

The consultant/firm is expected to lead the gender analysis desk review and related qualitative data collection in the specific project locations, in order to contribute to the refinement of PYE’s interventions to enhance participation and project outcomes. This includes:

  • Conduct literature review and analysis, including all relevant PYE project documents and assessment reports.
  • Identifying gender and inclusion related gaps that have emerged based on the desk review and during the first year of implementation.
  • Develop a gap analysis based on the secondary data analysis and a guiding GESI framework of analysis with the gaps identified for primary data collection
  • Prepare a presentation of secondary findings to the team and plans for primary data collection (in PowerPoint format).
  • Draft the study protocol, including detailed objectives, target participants, methodology, sampling plan, analysis plan and timeline.
  • Design data collection tools and procedures with a gender-inclusion and disability-inclusion lens, support in recruiting data collectors, and train data collectors on the tools.
  • Oversee and assure quality of the study through pre-testing, review, and finalization of data collection tools.
  • Supervise and actively support primary data collection in the field, to ensure quality processes and outcomes.
  • Develop a PowerPoint presentation (maximum 20 slides) of the key findings and recommendations from the report.
  • Conduct a workshop with the PYE team to identify an action plan based on the findings of the analysis. Facilitate an interactive PYE team dissemination session to discuss findings with the team and identify agreed recommendations for the project.
  • Provide a comprehensive gender analysis report. The consultant is expected to submit a soft copy of the final study report (which should be 30 pages maximum, without annexes), including the following components:
  • Executive Summary
  • Project background
  • Purpose of the study
  • Methodology
  • Analysis
  • Findings
  • Study limitations, and
  • Final recommendations
  • Bibliography, List of Acronyms and Abbreviations, Definition of Terms and Concepts)
  • Introduction: Project description, context, purpose, and objectives of desk study
  • Review the study logframe to include GESI considerations.

Mercy Corps Responsibilities:

Mercy Corps will provide the Agency with necessary support to undertake and implement the assignment and execute the objective of this SoW. Such responsibilities include the following:

  • Provide relevant documents and technical support to the Consultant.
  • Provide backstopping service in study design, tool development, data collection, data analysis and report finalization process.
  • Provide enumerators, note takers, and translators when required.
  • Assist the data collection effort by providing information on study locations and probable study respondents.
  • Monitor regularly, and provide feedback and ensure effectiveness of study


The consultant will report to the Senior Partnerships Manager, and work closely with the PYE Monitor, Evaluation and Learning Advisor. This task can be conducted remotely or in the country depending on the location of the consultant(s)/firm with travel to the field as necessary., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Individual Consultant(s)/ Firm Qualifications

  • Master’s Degree in gender studies, sociology, and/or other relevant social science, with at least 5 years of experience in gender/youth programming.
  • A combination of strong experience in qualitative research methods, and extensive expertise in gender and inclusion analysis preferably in Palestine and/or the Middle East.
  • Experience in integrating gender, inclusion and youth considerations in already existing programs.
  • In-depth knowledge and experience of participatory research approaches and tools.
  • Proven experience in gender research/studies
  • Experience in training and coordinating with diverse groups of project staff and stakeholders, especially on relevant issues and work.
  • Experience in qualitative data analysis packages
  • Excellent analytical and English language report writing skills.
  • Fluency in written and spoken English and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Arabic is preferred.
  • Excellent time management skills, ability to take initiative and deliver assignments within set deadlines.

For more details click the link Here which indicates the “deliverables timeline, payment schedule, and selection criteria”

Job Details
Job Title Gender Equality & Social Inclusion Analysis Consultant
Deadline 12 - Jan - 2023
Location Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem, Jericho, Salfit, Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Tubas, Rawabi
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Senior Excutive/CEO
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 1 Year
Category Other
Application Instructions

How to apply

Interested applicants to send a technical and financial proposal for the work in line with the following guidance:

  • Capability statement: How the consultant is structured for the assignment including the CVs of the key personnel who will take part in the consultancy.
  • Technical proposal: The consultant’s understanding and interpretation of the Terms of Reference (ToR), a detailed methodology on how the desk study will be done and detailed implementation schedule for the evaluation.
  • Financial proposal: Itemized budget proposal that should include the consultancy fees and operational costs in USD.
  • References: Names, addresses, telephone numbers of three organizations that you have conducted similar studies for within the last three years, which will act as professional referees.
  • Desk study reports: Three sample reports authored by the consultant/s for (related) studies conducted in the recent past (ideally within the past 3 years).

Questions and Answers (Q&A)

If any, Submit Questions in writing to: [email protected]

Last Day for Questions: (28 December 2022, before 16:00)

Questions will be answered by: (3 January 2023, by 16:00)

Questions will be answered and circulated to all applicants by email

Interested consultant/firm should submit a technical and financial proposal including the above-mentioned documents by 4pm on January 12, 2023, to: [email protected]

The subject line of the email must be marked with the title: “Positive Youth Engagement (PYE) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Analysis Consultant”

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