Gender Expert

Job Description

Creation/Replacement Creation
Expected Date Of Arrival 2018
Duration of Mission 20 days

General Information on the Mission
GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile, is a non-governmental, secular, and independent organization, founded in Bologna in 1971. We
are active in international development aid projects with complex action strategies: from humanitarian aid to populations suffering from conflicts and natural disasters to reconstruction, hygiene, and food security; from rural development to education, to the protection of women's and children's rights.

In over forty years of activity, GVC has operated in all parts of the world, carrying out thousands of projects. We collaborate with public institutions, cultural associations, cooperatives, and Italian and European NGOs, organizing seminars, conferences, exhibits and festivals, laboratories in school and training courses for teachers. We produce educational materials and carry out communication activities on sensitive issues such as differences, human rights, women's issues, sustainable trade, and biodiversity.
GVC’s development strategy in the country
The consolidation of the Palestinian Authorities institutional infrastructure open to foster democratic participation of civil society,
through the improvement of representative processes and the implementation of specific effective tools to promote dialogue. These criteria, together with the empowerment of vulnerable communities and people, should lead any kind of intervention, preparing both decentralized institution and civil society to better advocate for a final recognition of Palestinian statehood.

GVC focuses strategically on 4 main sectors for its development program, namely:

- Local Development and Governance

- Integrate Water Resource Management

- LRRD: Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development

- Integrated Protection

Gender mainstream, special attention to vulnerable categories, community-based approach and good governance are cross-cutting issues included in all GVC interventions.

Job Description

Tasks and Responsibilities
The Gender Expert will work within the framework of the project "Tu.R.B.O. – Tubas Rural Business Opportunities and social innovation", funded by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) and implemented by GVC in partnership with
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Legaccop Emilia Romagna, Cooperativa di Comunita’ Melpignano, e Cooperativa LattEmilia, in the area of Tubas Governorate, occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

Through a mission in the oPt the Gender Expert will improve the understanding of needs and the impact of public actions on women and girls within the area of the Governorate of Tubas. The Gender Expert will promote the development of a gender balance in public policies, to increase transparency and equity to the repartitions of resources.

The key areas of work and responsibilities under this ToR include extended consultations with national and local stakeholders and, more specifically, the Gender Expert is asked to fulfill the following tasks and responsibilities:

-Conducting a participatory analysis of the context and services, through meetings and focus groups;

-Provision of instruments to enable GVC mainstreaming gender in the multi sectorial integrated programming;

-Formulate adequate indicators from a gender-perspective;

-Support the integration of gender principles into the project cycle management;

-Identify GBV (gender-based violence) referral systems already existing in the West Bank;

-Understand the methodology and the needs assessment tools included in the GVC-developed CPA (Community-based Protection Approach);

-Support the implementation of key recommendations in terms of gender;

-Analyze the collection of gender-related data in the 19 targeted communities target of the project;

-Support the identification of protection and gender-related problems in each target community;

-Elaborate of the balance of gender and its expected objectives;

Set the ground for the second mission, to be conducted in the final phase of the Tu.R.B.O. project, in which, through a different contract and ToR, the new identified Gender Expert will - among others - elaborate a gender audit and disseminate the results.


The existing methodology on how to elaborate a budget of gender will be adapted to the context and the characteristics of the Governorate of Tubas. It will be made a re-classification according to criteria that allow re-aggregate budget items in gender- related issues, following with an evaluation of the elaboration of future goals. Finally, in the final phase of the project, a different identified person will conduct a gender audit to verify these goals.
Report to

-Development Coordinator
Works in coordination with
-Head of Operations
-Area Manager
-Project Manager
-General Coordinator of Activities

Duty Station Tubas, with frequent travels to Ramallah and the West Bank, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Core and Functional Competences

Required knowledge and skills

-An advanced university degree or equivalent in the field of Gender or women Studies, Social or Political Science, Development Studies, International Relations, Project Management, or other development-related fields.
-Minimum of 5 years of relevant working experience in related fields with a focus on gender issues, gender equality, women's empowerment and women's rights providing policy advice, technical assistance and/or programming.
-Proven experience in gender assessments and gender mainstreaming for international development programs, including incorporating gender concerns in the design and implementation of evaluations.
-Proven experience in conducting short term missions in complex and difficult contexts.
-Knowledge of Project Cycle Management.
-Knowledge of main donors’ policy and procedures (in particular AICS).
-Previous work experience with international NGOs will be preferred.
-Knowledge of the Palestinian context.

Required Personal Characteristics

-Ability to think strategically and conceptually, and to translate these into concrete results.
-Ability to identify, initiate and maintain good relationships with partner organizations, donors and national authorities including building professional relationships with senior decision-makers and influencers/ leaders.
-Proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues.
-Strong interpersonal relationships and demonstrated ability to leverage business networks and partnerships for continued growth.
-Fluency in written and spoken English, knowledge of Italian and/or Arabic is a plus.
-Ability to work under pressure.
-Demonstrates integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards.
-Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
-Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
-Computer skills, in particular MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, MS Project.

Job Details
Job Title Gender Expert
Deadline 18 - Aug - 2018
Location Tubas
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Interested applicants should send a detailed CV with references in English no later than 18 Aug 2018 to:
Email - [email protected]

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