Head of Community Programs

Job Description
Bethlehem Arab Society For Rehabilitation (BASR)
Beit-Jala, Bethlehem district, West Bank
Job Vacancies
Bethlehem Arab Society For Rehabilitation (BASR), founded in 1960, is a nonprofit non-government organization that is nationally recognized for the comprehensive specialized integrated medical, rehabilitation, educational, psychosocial, vocational and recreational services it renders to the Palestinian population, particularly persons with disability, through its varied centre based, outreach and community based programs.
ملاحظة هامة : هذه الوظيفة تتطلب درجة ماجستير و5 سنوات خبرة فاعلي الرجاء اذا كنت غير مؤهل عدم التقدم للوظيفة
Position Title: Head of Community Programs
Location: Beit-Jala
Accountable To: Director of Rehabilitation Services

Job Summary:

-The Head of Community Programs is responsible for:
-Developing and managing BASR’s multiple outreach and community programs and specially funded disability programs and services to promote the inclusion and full participation of persons with disability in society.

Professional Qualifications:

-Minimum 5 years professional experience in community and/or disability work.
-Excellent negotiation, interpersonal and team working skills
-Very good in management of files, records and reports.
-Communicating clearly and effectively (in oral and written forms in both Arabic and English) and relating well with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.
-Ability to plan and coordinate effective use of staff, facilities and resources to achieve successful program goals.
-Ability to coordinate multiple tasks efficiently.
-Ability to work under pressure in a conscientious and organized manner;
-Ability to liaise effectively with the multiple stakeholders like the local community, the public and donor agencies.
-Excellent Computer skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, email, Internet)

Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in community development, disability studies, human rights or related field required.

Interested candidates with relevant education and experience are encouraged to send their CV and a motivation letter by email to [email protected] and indicate the position, to which they are applying no later than 27th December, 2009.

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Head of Community Programs
Deadline 27 - Dec - 2009
Location Bethlehem
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: