Improving Social Rehabilitation Services provided by Social

Job Description

Quotation No. 41.2017

  Local Consultant “Improving Social Rehabilitation Services provided by Social Rehabilitation Centers
In the Gaza Strip”

IRPAL is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant, individual consultants or consulting firms from Gaza within the following conditions:

Duration: During July – August 2017.

Qualifications and Skills Requirements:

This call for consultancy is open for individual consultants with a team leader. Consultants should reflect a combination of protection, education and strategic management experiences.

The consultants should have the following qualifications and experience:

-    Preferable a master degree in strategic management, management, program management or relevant qualifications.
-    A proven experience and practice in relevant fields and the service delivery through coaching
-    At least 5 years of professional experience in the relevant topics (researches and needs assessment, capacity building, strategic planning, operational planning, programming, cost budgeting, Child protection, education).
-    Proven experience in communicating different levels of stakeholders
-    Professional in English language (the final strategy document shall be written in Arabic and English).

Application Procedure:

-    Interested consultants are invited to download the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) that include a detailed description of the Task.
-    Interested consultants are requested to submit their CVs and financial offers, each in a separate sealed envelope to IRPAL-Gaza office. No financial information shall be contained in the CVs envelope, that’s by 20 July 2017 (13:30 pm at the latest) to IRPAL Gaza office –Gaza City Al-Dawli 2 building 26A Medhat Al-Wahidi st.
-    Following submission, IRPAL may engage in further discussion with applicants concerning quotations in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal agreement.
-    For any issues relating to the quotation or its contents please email directly to [email protected]
-    Any Proposal received after the due date will be rejected., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Improving Social Rehabilitation Services provided by Social
Deadline 20 - Jul - 2017
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: