Individual Local Trainer /Consultant

Job Description
Request for Proposals
(RFP NO: SCI/HR/WB/012/15)
Individual Local Trainer /Consultant

Save the Children is the world's leading independent organization for children. We work in almost 120 countries. We save children's lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential. We work to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Across all of our work, we pursue several core values: accountability, ambition, collaboration, creativity and integrity.

The ‘Psychosocial Support for Conflict and Societal Violence Affected Children’ Project was launched in May 2015 to respond to the psychosocial emergency needs of children and their caregivers resulting from incidents of political and social violence. It is implemented by the East Jerusalem YMCA - Rehabilitation Program (EJ-YMCA), in partnership with Save the Children International (SCI), and funded by Save the Children Italy. The project’s duration is 10 months and it targets children and caregivers by providing them with psychosocial support through networking with local and international organizations.

Save the Children seeks individual consultant/Supervisor to provide supervision to the YMCA Pyscho-social Support (PSS) teams in three locations; in the North, South and Center. Each of the three locations will receive 3 days of supervision for a total of 9 supervision days between October and December. The total number of both the Counselors and the Volunteers who will participate in the supervision sessions may be up to 30 persons. They will be coming from different West Banks districts as well as East Jerusalem, both male and females, with social work / counseling backgrounds.

Scope of Work
The consultant (Field Supervisor) will work to evaluate the individual cases, the emergency interventions and activities implemented by the teams in order to improve the quality of services provided by the PSS teams by providing them with technical advice and feedback. The Field Supervisor will also help the team to debrief, ventilate and release the stress they experienced and faced while implementing the project activities. S/he will work with the team members to discuss their personal challenges and provide them with guidance and practical techniques in the intervention with cases.


-Provide an assessment report on the overall capacity and needs including knowledge of stressors and specific cases that require follow up. This includes:
 -Conducting Field visits to YMCA offices (9 offices) and meeting with head supervisors and staff.
 -Conducting two focus group discussions with children and parents involved in the CPIE project.

-Design a 3 day supervision workshop in the three localities (North, Central, and South) according to the assessment results. The Workshops should be based on the Scope of work, Job description and Assessment results
-Conduct a 3 day supervision workshop for each locality (North, Central, and South) for total of 9 days/Venue and Accommodation for the workshops will be covered by SC
-Provide SC with a Final training report 5-6 pages including recommendations by December 20th 2015.

Required experiences
-Experience and perspective on issues related to Child Protection, emergency response
-At least 10 years of working experience in providing supervision to social workers, counselors, and/ or psychosocial emergency team.
-The supervisor should have an advanced degree in one of the following fields (Sociology, psychology, or counseling) and must have at least three years supervision experience.
-S/he should have good knowledge of the political and socio-economic settings surrounding children in Palestine who are experiencing violence in different forms and need to develop mechanisms to cope with difficulties that they are being faced with on a daily basis in addition to knowledge on child participation.
-S/he should have good analytical and report writing skills.
-Professional experience in local development activities. (Preferably relevant to Child Protection).
Interested applicants are encouraged to visit the following link to get the ToR documents
And for any additional inquiries and to get the Bio- Data Sheet please send request to:

[email protected]

Bids must be delivered to Save the Children office in Ramallah at the address shown below at or before 14:00 pm on Wednesday October 14th, 2015. All documents must be enclosed in a sealed package marked on the outside with the following words: RFP #: SCI/HR/WB/012/15

Address: Ramallah Jerusalem main street, Al Yasmina Street, Rishmawi Building, First Floor, next to Jasmine building and Al-Quds Educational TV.

Tel: 02-2973632 Fax: 02-2973635 taking into consideration that the office closes on Saturdays and Sundays., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Individual Local Trainer /Consultant
Deadline 14 - Oct - 2015
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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