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Job Description

Enabel is the Belgian development agency working under the mission to implement and coordinate the Belgian international development policy. The Palestinian Territory is the fourth recipient of the Belgian Development Cooperation. The Palestinian Authority and Belgium work together to reduce poverty and to build a more sustainable and fair society. Since 1997, Belgium has been supporting the development activities and emergency interventions in the Palestinian Territory. Education, mental health, TVET and local governance are the main sectors. Furthermore, Enable also implements different projects for the European Union. 

Enabel is looking for a Joint Financing Agreement Expert: 

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Any specifics: He/she will work at the representation in Jerusalem under the administrative supervision of the Representative and the functional guidance of the Belgian Consulate General. He/she will regularly work with Palestinian, Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE), JFP’s and education partners whose offices may be in Ramallah. He/she will also regularly consult PM’s and technical experts of Enabel’s Quality Education Learning Program QEL, Resilience in East Jerusalem II RISEII and SYP. He/she may be asked to act as a JFP (technical and/or representational) focal point.
  • Specific results areas: The JFA expert will contribute to the new portfolio result “Predictable and reliable resources are available, and capacities strengthened for the implementation of the ESSP 2025-2027”
  • Expected results of the function:
    • timely disbursements of the Belgian contribution to the JFAIV and release of instalments in line with the JFAIV Partnership Agreement upon approval of activities to be financed by the JFA in MoEHE Annual Work Plans and Budgets and through the no-objections of financial reports
    • monitoring and reporting on the implementation and performance of the JFA
    • coordination with Joint Financing Partners and other relevant Development Partners within the existing framework or monitoring mechanisms
    • assume, if requested, the role of the representative and/or technical focal point of the Joint Financing Partners (currently the role is split between agencies, with Germany acting as the technical focal point until at least the end of 2025, and other agencies sharing the role of representative focal point, this may change as of 2026)
    • monitoring of education sector performance against the ESSP, policies and reforms, and AWPB, especially in focus areas (e.g. Basic Education, STEM, education in East Jerusalem and Gaza, infrastructure. Note that these may be subject to change).
    • participation in education sector dialogue (coordination meetings, annual joint sector review, working groups and other relevant fora)
    • close consultation with the Belgian Consulate to inform Belgian positioning in education sector dialogue
    • advice to MoEHE to promote evidence-informed planning, budgeting, implementation, M&E and reporting of the Education Sector Strategic Plan 2025-2027 and on any relevant education reforms in close collaboration with the JFPs and other education development partners
    • cross-fertilisation with the Belgian portfolio esp; Quality Education and Learning (QEL), Resilience in Schools of East Jerusalem (RISE II), Skilling Young Palestine (SYP), re-engaging in Gaza and Gaza recovery and reconstruction (the latter under development at HQ)
    • Any other roles and responsibilities assigned in relation to JFA 4 by Management.
  • Contextual factors impacting the function:
  • Complementary responsibilities on top of generic Job architecture (Indicate % of time dedicated to this complementing activity): 

             Vis à vis the Palestinian MoEHE and DP’s 

              Monitoring and advising the education sectoral planning and performance through:

    • reviewing MoEHE policies and strategic documents, plans, budgets, reports
    • promoting the use of M&E and financial data to inform planning
    • participating in dialogue through sector coordination meetings, joint annual sector reviews and relevant fora
    • providing comments/technical advisory inputs

                 Promoting a well-functioning dialogue and a genuine partnership approach 

    • building and maintaining positive working relationships with relevant departments at the MoEHE, with the JFP’s and DP’s
    • contribute to the organization of the annual joint sector review. 

               Vis à vis the JFA mechanism and other JFP’s 

                Support the monitoring of the implementation and performance of the JFA in

                close collaboration with the JFP’s through:

    • participating with the Consulate in JFA coordination meetings,
    • assuming the role of JFA representational and/or technical focal point (pending requests) in tandem with the Consulate
    • ensure the technical expertise of Belgium in the JFA partnership (the Consulate is responsible for the diplomatic/political representation and communications)
    • contributing to common (Belgian) positioning in dialogue as a Team Belgium member (meaning the Consulate team and Enabel)
    • - contributing to the various control and quality assurance measures associated with the JFA (Approvals of JFA financing under AWPB & procurement plan, No objection on Quarterly Financial Reports, Review of annual reports (narrative, procurement & M&E), monitoring of annual audit process. When applicable, facilitate dialogue with the MoEHE, with the Consulate

             Vis à vis the Consulate General of Belgium in Jerusalem

  • Consulting CG on compliance with any requirements laid out in the exchange of letters.
  • Advising and feeding the Belgian position in the JFA and education sector dialogue at the level of the annual joint sector review, the Education Sector Working Group (ESWG), Technical Working Group (TWG) and other fora that are relevant to the Belgian position in education sector dialogue (suggested focus areas: Quality Education, STEM, infrastructure, East Jerusalem) 
  • Occasional briefings and meetings including Team Belgium meetings especially ahead of JFP and ESWG meetings.
  • Share progress reports (updates on progress in the implementation of the JFA, the ESSP, highlighting challenges and issues in implementation as well as key developments in the sector), a section on JFA in the annual portfolio report, and provide briefings and presentations upon demand.

             Vis-à-vis Enabel Palestine 

    • liaise with staff of relevant Enabel projects (esp QEL, RISEII) to 1) part information on sector developments that are relevant to their activities, 2) seek their support to complement or finetune the monitoring of relevant domains within the ESSP, 3) promote alignment of projects with the ESSP while also 4) feeding and shaping a technically strong and common position in dialogue with government and partners on the other hand.
    • The above will be achieved through 4 "formal" coordination meetings per year to prepare for joint positioning and inputs at the ESWG meetings and the AJSR, and "regular" more informal meetings for two-way updates (which can piggyback on already scheduled coordination meetings);
    • reporting on progress in the implementation of the JFA, the ESSP, highlighting challenges and issues in implementation as well as key developments in the sector and valuable learning for the organization., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Professional Qualifications and Experience:

Any specialism in the diploma: Master's degree in social or education sciences, economics, public administration or another relevant field 

Specific competences or knowledge required:

  • Permanent residency in Jerusalem is required, 
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in education in the Palestine territories or the broader region
  • Excellent communication, networking, negotiation and reporting skills

Specific competences or knowledge considered an asset:

  • Proven experience in advising education sector policy and planning, and/or education programming
  • Proven experience in (education) sector dialogue and coordination mechanisms 
  • Experience with (education) sector budget support, basket or pooled funding mechanisms
  • Notions of PFM in the education sector

Languages: English, Arabic

We offer you

  • An exciting job in an international environment
  • A contract until 30 June 2027 based in Jerusalem.
  • salary package that comprises the monthly gross salary, in accordance with our salary scales (Class 6), and benefits. The exact salary will be defined according to the relevant recognised experience for the function.   

Every person who fulfils the conditions listed in our job advertisements may apply. Enabel is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in its workforce. We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability status or any other factor other than competence. 

Job Details
Job Title Joint Financing Agreement Expert
Deadline 18 - Mar - 2025
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Master's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Are you interested? 

Apply here at the latest by COB  18 March 2025 and include your application letter and updated CV. Only applications submitted via Enabel's website will be considered.  

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