Job Description



Representative Office of Canada to the Palestinian Authority (Ramallah)

For the provision of consulting and professional services in relation to West Bank Courthouses Construction Project

Title: Local Project Monitor (LPM) to provide technical oversight/monitoring of construction activities during the construction of a courthouse facility in Hebron (West Bank).

  1. Project Background

The Government of Canada is funding the construction of a courthouse facility in Hebron. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is implementing the project, which is in the early stages of construction and is expected to be completed by November 2020. The project scope for construction activities includes foundations, skeleton construction, civil finishing works and mechanical and electrical works. The building has a gross floor area of approximately 16,171 m2.

The Representative Office of Canada (ROC) in Ramallah is seeking to contract a qualified professional Consultant to serve as the LPM to monitor the courthouse construction project. The services may be provided by either A) an individual who can sub-contract a multidisciplinary team, or B) a firm comprised of individuals qualified to provide professional services in a range of disciplines. The LPM will liaise with the First Secretary (Justice Sector) or delegated staff at the Representative Office of Canada in Ramallah and support the project’s Canada-based experts.

  1. Objectives

The objective of the services of the Consultant is to contribute to optimize the Canadian investment in construction activities. More specifically, the Consultant should:

  • Assess whether the construction of the Hebron courthouse is aligned with established planning and monitoring procedures, and provide recommendations and advice towards this end;
  • Assess whether the construction of the Hebron courthouse is conforming to established; Quality Assurance and Quality Control processes, as per project requirements; and
  • Identify risks and recommend mitigation measures throughout construction lifecycle.

In order to achieve these objectives, The LPM is expected to:

  • Provide technical assistance, quality assurance, and risks management consultancy in the oversight/monitoring of construction activity planning and reporting documents; and
  • Ensure the construction of the Hebron courthouse conforms to project requirements and that best practices are implemented in terms of quality and safety throughout the construction lifecycle of the project.

The successful applicant (and its sub-contractors) will not be eligible to work with, or provide services to UNDP and its sub-contractors in relation to the Hebron courthouse construction project for the duration of their engagement in the capacity of the LPM.

  1. Description of Tasks

LPM shall perform but not be limited to the following tasks:

  • Review all project documents, including contracts & sub-contracts, drawings, specifications, Bill of Quantities (BOQs) and time schedules to assess the compliance of the implementing agency (and its sub-contractors) with contractual conditions, including roles and responsibilities and performance requirements, throughout the project lifecycle;
  • Monitor construction activities through regular site visits in Hebron to assess conformance to contractual requirements and produce reports on observations;
  • Review all relevant contractor construction and post-construction submittals and report on progress, risks and findings;
  • Monitor the conformance to construction safety requirements on-site and report on any findings or risks, and propose solutions to mitigate them;
  • Attend, as an observer, the bi-weekly Construction Technical Committee (CTC) meetings in Hebron (and occasionally in Ramallah), along with other relevant disciplines as required and approved by GAC, and review and comment on meeting minutes;
  • Attend other meetings as required, including with the ROC staff, implementing agency and other project stakeholders. Meetings will take place in Hebron, Ramallah and occasionally Jerusalem;
  • Provide support in preparing input in advance of meetings, such as Project Steering Committee meetings and the CTC meetings, as required;
  • Consult and work collaboratively with the ROC Environmental Specialist with regards to environmental assessments;
  • Prepare bi-weekly, site visit, quarterly and final reports, in addition to any ad-hoc reports and analysis related to the project that might be requested;
  • Review and comment on monthly, quarterly and annual reports from the implementing agency and other reports from project stakeholders;
  • Other tasks as requested by the First Secretary (Justice Sector) or delegated staff., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Description of the Consultant

  • The applicant must be capable of providing technical and monitoring services in the disciplines related to construction management of large–scale facilities, including architecture, and structural, mechanical, electrical, and building systems engineering.
  • In particular, expertise in civil/structural engineering, quantity surveying/cost estimating, design and construction of mechanical systems, including Building Automation Systems (BAS) and life safety (sprinkler and standpipe suppression); and electrical security systems.
  • The applicant must have the capacity to provide and manage the services of each of the referenced disciplines, either A) on a sub-contracting basis, or B) through the firm’s employees, as and when required.
  • The applicant must designate a Project Team Lead as the main point of contact to work with the First Secretary (Justice Sector) or delegated staff. This Team Lead would manage the multidisciplinary team and seek their input, depending on the stage of construction, to inform site observations and recommendations. The Team Lead must consolidate and effectively communicate observations and recommendations from all team members in reports to, and correspondence with, the First Secretary (Justice Sector) or delegated staff.
  • The ROC has the right to accept or reject any proposed replacements of the Team Lead and/or any member of his/her multidisciplinary team at any point during the contract.
  1. Language Requirement: The Project Team Lead must possess the following levels in English and Arabic:

Oral communication = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency

Reading = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency

Writing = 4 – Advanced Professional Proficiency

All other team members must possess the following levels in English and Arabic

Oral communication = 3 – General Professional Proficiency

Reading = 3 – General Professional Proficiency

Writing = 3 – General Professional Proficiency

The description of the language requirements is available on the following websites:

  1. Meetings:

The Consultant will be required to attend bi-weekly CTC meetings in Hebron or Ramallah and conduct regular construction site visits. Meetings at the ROC offices in Ramallah and occasional meetings in Jerusalem may be required and described in Section 4, “Description of Tasks”.

  1. Travel:

The Consultant will be required to attend bi-weekly CTC meetings in Hebron and conduct regular construction site visits in Hebron. Meetings in Ramallah and occasional meetings in Jerusalem may be required.

  1. Location of the work:

All work and meetings will be conducted at the Courthouse construction site in Hebron (West Bank) and Ramallah (West Bank). Meetings in Jerusalem may be required.

  1. Constraints:

The Consultant shall liaise solely with the ROC and cannot provide any advice or direction to the implementing agency or any of its sub-contractors without prior written approval from ROC.

  1. Support to be provided by the ROC:

ROC will provide the Consultant with the following documents:

  • Progress Reports on construction activities as submitted by implementing agencies on a quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis, as required;
  • All necessary documentation related to the project, with the exception of documents requiring a security clearance.
  1.  Environment:

The Consultant shall notify the First Secretary (Justice Sector) or delegated staff if any project components are added that could have potential environmental effects. In this case, ROC may take necessary action to ensure that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

The Consultant shall take into account explicitly and systematically, environmental considerations at all stages of the tasks, including:

  • The Consultant will take into account environmental considerations when reviewing all construction related project documents, and will ensure the ROC Environment Specialist is aware of any concerns or issues that may arise;
  • The Consultant will review the environmental assessment as part of the Construction Annex requirements, and will confirm with the ROC Environment Specialist that she/he has received the most up-to-date project information. The ROC Environment Specialist will approve all CEAA required Environmental Assessments separately. The Consultant will report on the application of these provisions in the written assessments and recommendations.

***Attachments: Full ToR

Job Details
Job Title Local Project Monitor
Deadline 07 - May - 2019
Location Ramallah, Hebron
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Submission and Receipt of Proposals: (e-mails not accepted)

12 Elias Odeh Street, Ramallah, West Bank

P.O. Box 18604, Jerusalem 91184

RFP closing date: Proposals must be received by 14:00:00 local time on May 7, 2019 at:

12 Elias Odeh Street, Ramallah, West Bank

Point of Contact:  

Ms. Abeer Fteiha
Development Program Assistant
Office of Canada to the Palestinian Authority (Ramallah)

Submission and Receipt of Proposals

  • Proposals must be sent by regular mail or hand delivered to the address specified on the cover page of this RFP. Any proposals sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
  • Proposals, or any withdrawal, substitution and modification, will only be accepted by GAC if they are received at the address indicated on the cover page of this RFP by the closing date and time indicated on the cover page of this RFP.
  • Proposals received by GAC after the RFP closing date and time will not be accepted.
  • Bidders are solely responsible for the timely receipt of their proposal by GAC. GAC will not assume any responsibility for proposals that are addressed to a location other than the one stipulated on the cover page of this RFP and any such proposals will not be accepted.
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