Media and Information Dissemination Consultancy

Job Description


Terms Of Reference

Media and/or information dissemination Service Provider  

Project:  Fostering Multi-Stakeholders Mobilization for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in their Community in Marginalized Areas of oPt, implemented by Handicap International and funded by European Union.


Handicap International (HI) is an independent international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster, working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. Handicap International is active in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1996; and gives the priority to the development of capacities of disable person's organizations at local, national, and regional level.

With over 30 years of experience, Handicap International (HI) is an independent and impartial aid organization, currently active in 60 countries, working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. It works alongside people with disabilities (PwDs) and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

HI has been present in the Middle East since 1987 and currently operates in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine, with a regional office based in Amman, Jordan, and field offices in each country. In Palestine, HI has been active since 1996 and works in both Gaza and West Bank through several projects focusing on:

-Improving PwDs access to quality multidisciplinary rehabilitation services
-Support to disability movement and empowering DPOs
-Support to civil society capacity building
-Emergency response and preparedness

Through the project “Fostering multi-stakeholders mobilization for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in their community in marginalized areas of oPt.”, HI aims at ensuring Persons with disabilities (PWDs) have equal access to local services and policy dialogue aiming at reducing poverty in marginalized areas of the oPt.

The project will respond to identified inclusion challenges in the Gaza Strip, focusing on three main strategies of intervention: technical support to managers, professionals and community workers providing services to PWDs; development of multi-stakeholder collaboration mechanisms; and support to referral networks in particular to socio-economic services. The Project and overall strategy is structured in four interdependent main results:

-Multi-stakeholder working groups (MSWGs) of service providers, local authorities, DPOs/SHGs, Community-Based Organizations (CBO) and Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) actors jointly assess the situation of PWDs and plan for their inclusion at local level.
-DPOs/SHGs have increased capacities to promote the inclusion of PWDs into mainstream socio-economic services and effectively contribute to multi-stakeholder planning processes at local level.
-CBR programs have increased capacities to refer and facilitate the inclusion of PWDs into mainstream socio-economic services at the community level.
-Key socio-economic services in the target areas have increased the inclusion of disability and PWDs in their work.


Overall goal: DPOs/SHG members are empowered to take an effective role on informational accessibility and consequently improved access to services for persons with disabilities in Gaza

Specific Goal: The local community and in particular persons with disabilities and their families in the five target areas have improved awareness on available basic and specialized services in the different sectors.

As part of above mentioned project, HI is providing support to Disabled People Organization(DPOs), Self Help Groups (SHGs) and representative of persons with disabilities / members of the multi-stakeholders working group in order to disseminate information on available services for persons with disabilities in the five governorates. The objective of the activity is to ensure an improved access of PwDs to essential basic and specialized services they need in each governorate. It also seeks to empower the DPOs/SHG’ in their roles and participation in the informational accessibility process in Gaza Strip.

HI has supported the implementation of service mapping across the Gaza Strip governorates. Based on the Community Based Rehabilitation services matrix and support services, data of service providers have been collected by DPOs/SHG members of the MSWG in cooperation with HI team and partners’ social workers.

HI seeks to identify a media company that will help to analyse, manage and classify the collected data on available services and disseminate appropriately to the community in particular to persons with disabilities through:

-Radio messages
-Updating of HI supported website:
-Other means to be suggested by the media company

The service provider will be expected to:

-Work closely with the HI team and particular the Rehabilitation and ILD project teams who will be the focal contact persons for this service support & follow up, and the MSWG members to identify and develop the creative ideas and methodologies of the information dissemination campaign based on the available data.
-Design layouts of publication drafts and share with HI and MSWG members for revision and validation before printing / dissemination (Posters- Pin boards- flyers- Brochures- Radio-website modification), the design should follow the instructions of HI and MSWG and support the message and the objectives of an inclusive local community.
-Propose other means of information dissemination to persons with disabilities (mobile applications, pin boards advertisement, others...etc)
-Disseminate accessible information to person with disabilities on available services, adapt information materials to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. (in particular persons with hearing and visual disabilities, persons with learning difficulties, others)
-Update HI supported website ( with new information of new service providers and update old registered service providers’ information registered on the website.


-The Service provision with the selected supplier starts on the 12th Jan 2016 till 30th April 2016

-The service provision location is in the five targeted areas Gaza, North Gaza and Middle Area, Khanyounis, Rafah.


Main tasks and responsibilities of the service provider:


-Final report in English should be submitted to HI for each supported means of information dissemination with estimated numbers of beneficiaries exposed to information on available services for persons with disabilities.
-Hard and soft copies of printed materials to HI.
-The offer should be in NIS.
-The overall amount to be inclusive all taxes, including (assignment; transportation ; communication and translation Fees)
-The selected Service provider will respectively bear the cost of incurred for the current Advertisement on

-Registered and authorized media company
-Considerable experience in producing public information, video films or TV programs, relating to matters (some samples of your work maybe required).
-Excellent technical capacities to ensure smooth and high-quality media production.
-Experience in working with INGOs, NGOs, and local CBOs and where possible those working with vulnerable or marginalized groups.
-Excellent planning and organizational skills.
-Excellent ability to work under pressure and meet prescribed deadlines.

Submission of  Proposals

Handicap International invites the qualified companies to send their Proposals in electronic format which include profile, a cover letter and a detailed Financial & technical offer, action plan to

[email protected]

No later than 10th January 2016. With the reference (Media and information dissemination Service Provider.), Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Media and Information Dissemination Consultancy
Deadline 10 - Jan - 2016
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Management
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: